lords joke (5 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Nothing at all wrong with posting on both sites, you surely have to admit that hysteria is generally the order of the day here, just look at most of the posts.

What is weird is searching on other sites for people though.

Didn't search for you. I asked Otis if he could stick the petition on there as I am not a member.

Then saw your comments when I looked at the petition thread.

You have to admit that it was funny that you were effectively calling sbt posters less intelligent than gmk posters. Then you had a pop at a bloke who supported your opinion.


Well-Known Member
On all seriousness though I don't read gmk, so I can't comment.

Are people there less worried about the situation than here.

I was very worried and quite frankly pissed off, till the council took their recent stance.

Now I am confident we have some good news round the corner.


Well-Known Member
On all seriousness though I don't read gmk, so I can't comment.

Are people there less worried about the situation than here.

I was very worried and quite frankly pissed off, till the council took their recent stance.

Now I am confident we have some good news round the corner.

More fatalist really, and always had more anti-Sisu people on there from the beginning(Though like most sites until quite recently, still a minority).

Think most realise we have to deal with what we've got rather than dream of untold billions coming in, and certainly more have little hope in Hoffman and Elliott, both tainted by this regime, and Elliott by several regimes.

Don't think anybody on GMK would have taken my Hoffman story seriously, amd wouldn't take as gospel the stuff thrown out by theprince,darknight, snoz etc on here, which is all taken as sermons from the mount.

All the Hoffman stuff does is muddy the waters, and there really should have been some sort of statement from him by now, especially with the Chinese Billionaire so-called backer being supposedly outed last week.
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Well-Known Member
Didn't search for you. I asked Otis if he could stick the petition on there as I am not a member.

Then saw your comments when I looked at the petition thread.

You have to admit that it was funny that you were effectively calling sbt posters less intelligent than gmk posters. Then you had a pop at a bloke who supported your opinion.

Did apologise straight away for that, as realised I was being particularly dense at the time, something you didn't post by the way!


Well-Known Member
More fatalist really, and always had more anti-Sisu people on there from the beginning(Though like most sites until quite recently, still a minority).

Think most realise we have to deal with what we've got rather than dream of untold billions coming in, and certainly more have little hope in Hoffman and Elliott, both tainted by this regime, and Elliott by several regimes.

Don't think anybody on GMK would have taken my Hoffman story seriously, amd wouldn't take as gospel the stuff thrown out by theprince,darknight, snoz etc on here, which is all taken as sermons from the mount.

All the Hoffman stuff does is muddy the waters, and there really should have been some sort of statement from him by now, especially with the Chinese Billionaire so-called backer being supposedly outed last week.

Cov fans are due something good. Be it from sisu because they are forced to. Or by other means it is long over due.

Night darling Xxxx


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't have even wasted 1 minute - Hoffman + takeover = crap

Yeah, but you wouldn't believe it if you they unveiled him as the new owner on the pitch! It'd be an elaborate hoax or something.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I just had to interrupt the private conversation going on in public here...fellas, there is a facility known as "PM", you know! There is also a forum called GMK for fighting out debates that have been raised on GMK. ;)


Well-Known Member
If we have Cybermen, why aren't we playing them? No losing fitness or concentration in the last 5 minutes then. It also fits in with Brody's "grow our own" theory. We'll be a much tougher prospect. I like it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the laugh boys, although I was expecting a joke about cricket. I feel a pr!ck now. Just found a hole in my pocket.


Well-Known Member
Just got home from mine. 4 shifts to do in next 26 days :D I hear Morrisons have Strongbow 24 cans for £12. Going to get as many cases as they will let me have when they open. Wife will take another trolley and do the same :laugh: Perfect timing as I have just cracked my last tinnie open. Wife and eldest son must have hammered them last night :eek:


Well-Known Member
Should be finishing mine soon, just waiting for somebody to pick up some cargo for BMW mini from a diverted flight, which at least woke me up.

Lovely day for a nice cold cider with ice!


Well-Known Member
You have had a lot of goes at him

However can't see anything where you say he will be pocketing money.

You just seem to suggest a lot that he has no backers.

I can see why he has challenged that.


Well-Known Member
You have had a lot of goes at him

However can't see anything where you say he will be pocketing money.

You just seem to suggest a lot that he has no backers.

I can see why he has challenged that.

It doesn't help dragging up all these old threads though Dong..


New Member
Can you please stop combing through and bumping up all these old threads?

people who want us to forget elliot and hoofman bein on old boards at the club bumping old posts is kinda irony right lol


Well-Known Member
WUM: Definition: Used on internet message boards to denote somebody who doesn't hold the same view.


Man One "I think that swimming in man-eating shark infested waters whilst bleeding profusely from a leg wound is perfectly safe"

Man Two "I disagree, think it might be quite dangerous"

Man One "WUM"

Spot on.

It basically means, I haven't got a coherent argument so I'll call a wum.


Well-Known Member
I still can't see why people shouldn't be allowed to "have a go". We do to each other all day every day. Seems a little odd to me. As I said on another thread he's been criticized but no one has levelled "unfounded allegations". Ridiculous.

Are you trying to get a mention from him during his next Q&A? Is that why you're bringing up these old threads? You must have a 100 brownie points by now.

You have had a lot of goes at him

However can't see anything where you say he will be pocketing money.

You just seem to suggest a lot that he has no backers.

I can see why he has challenged that.
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New Member
its people scared of askin questions an people scared of askin questions kill our club more then anythin sisu hoofman or elliot cud manage so they want to shut anybody up who dont just take wut they say on trust an need summat more then that before they get behind it

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
its people scared of askin questions an people scared of askin questions kill our club more then anythin sisu hoofman or elliot cud manage so they want to shut anybody up who dont just take wut they say on trust an need summat more then that before they get behind it​

In English would be good pal!:facepalm:

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