9PM Junk Food Ad Ban (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member

Been listening to this a bit over today. I am not 100% sure this will help towards reducing obesity within the UK, but it's a start I guess.

Few funny points though released today too, McDonald's, you can now get a Big Mac for £1.60 and 20 Nuggets for £3 🤦‍♂️

Also, the amount of people whinging that 20% fat mince costs more than 5% fat mince.... Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member

Been listening to this a bit over today. I am not 100% sure this will help towards reducing obesity within the UK, but it's a start I guess.

Few funny points though released today too, McDonald's, you can now get a Big Mac for £1.60 and 20 Nuggets for £3 🤦‍♂️

Also, the amount of people whinging that 20% fat mince costs more than 5% fat mince.... Jesus Christ.

The only way to stop people eating fast food is to make it harder to access... Maybe they should stop allowing a fast food joint to open up every 20 yards and start like that


Well-Known Member
The only way to stop people eating fast food is to make it harder to access... Maybe they should stop allowing a fast food joint to open up every 20 yards and start like that

Idk, I've been craving something before and gone completely out of my way to get it, but I do get the point. Remove the temptation.

Firms like Just Eat etc have a lot to answer for. At least before them, if you walked 10 mins down the road to the chippy, you've moved/exercised in some form!


Well-Known Member
I think you need to make good food cheaper than crap. Tax the shit out of junk food and use the money to subsidise organic fruit and veg.

Gave you a like. But organic is pure nonsense.


Well-Known Member

Essentially there’s slightly less pesticide residue but non-organic is perfectly safe anyway. Mostly it’s a marketing tactic.

Frozen and tinned fruit and veg perfectly fine as well. The days of frozen being substandard are well gone.

Talking about nutritionally obviously not taste.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member

Essentially there’s slightly less pesticide residue but non-organic is perfectly safe anyway. Mostly it’s a marketing tactic.
I'm looking at it more from an additional benefit of increasing biodiversity in the country than improving diet. I agree that nutritionally you're no better off.


Well-Known Member
It’s a tough one because let’s be honest, who is going to give up their car and start cooking from scratch again? We’re lazy beasts. Need a way to make eating healthy and exercising easier than not 🤔


Well-Known Member
Good food is way cheaper then a take away, easily feed a family of 4 for a fiver with good quality fresh ingredients.

Thats not the debate though? It’s whether good food is easily accessible, easier to prepare and store and cheaper than shit food.

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
Good food is way cheaper then a take away, easily feed a family of 4 for a fiver with good quality fresh ingredients.
But where are all the good food takeaways that undercut the fuck out of crap? I appreciate that's different to my original argument but there should be more takeaway/fast good food - again, subsidised by taxes on sugary and salty food.


Well-Known Member
But where are all the good food takeaways that undercut the fuck out of crap? I appreciate that's different to my original argument but there should be more takeaway/fast good food - again, subsidised by taxes on sugary and salty food.


The amount of times I’ve been on the road or whatever and wanted to eat healthy and it’s basically impossible.

Even considered starting up a carb free/healthy drive thru. But even I know given the choice id still head for a Maccys 😂

Liquid Gold

Well-Known Member
I'm as guilty as anybody sometimes, long day at work, can't be fucked with it, let's just get something in. It's invariably shite because that's what's available, where is the option of not shit, cheap easy food.


Well-Known Member
Thats not the debate though? It’s whether good food is easily accessible, easier to prepare and store and cheaper than shit food.

TBF, he did imply that shit food is cheaper then nutritious food, which isn't the case. Good food is easily accessible, walk into any supermarket in the land, it's also easy to prepare (granted, not as easy as opening a packet).

Let's be honest, how much effort does it take to peel a few spuds, prep a bit of veg, brown of mince and add a jar of tomatoes. If people are too lazy to do this then there's no hope for them.


Well-Known Member
I was watching something a while ago and it talked about how fast food companies and producers of junk food use the exact same marketing companies that tobacco companies used historically and therefore the same tactics. Things like sponsoring sport so it’s associated with something healthy amongst others.


Well-Known Member
TBF, he did imply that shit food is cheaper then nutritious food, which isn't the case. Good food is easily accessible, walk into any supermarket in the land, it's also easy to prepare (granted, not as easy as opening a packet).

Let's be honest, how much effort does it take to peel a few spuds, prep a bit of veg, brown of mince and add a jar of tomatoes. If people are too lazy to do this then there's no hope for them.

Why do you think obesity is higher in low income areas? Just laziness?

Cost per calorie wise fresh fruit and veg is terrible value.

There’s lots of issues here. I know people in poverty who firstly wouldn’t be able to afford the gas to cook every day and don’t run a fridge or freezer (or heating). I know busy people with long commutes who don’t have an hour to buy and prep fresh food. Sugar is addictive. More so than many illegal drugs. Marketing etc.

The bare facts are that if it’s not increased availability of shit food that’s the issue, you have to explain why people have got lazier over the last fifty years. Look at Japan. Avoided fast food and had no obesity problems. McDonalds opens up and obesity starts rising.

ultimately if you want to actually solve the problem and not just feel smug about yourself you’ve got to do better than “everyone’s lazy but me”.

Also, what’s wrong with laziness? Animals are supposed to be lazy! It’s efficient use of resources. :p


Well-Known Member
Why do you think obesity is higher in low income areas? Just laziness?

Cost per calorie wise fresh fruit and veg is terrible value.

There’s lots of issues here. I know people in poverty who firstly wouldn’t be able to afford the gas to cook every day and don’t run a fridge or freezer (or heating). I know busy people with long commutes who don’t have an hour to buy and prep fresh food. Sugar is addictive. More so than many illegal drugs. Marketing etc.

The bare facts are that if it’s not increased availability of shit food that’s the issue, you have to explain why people have got lazier over the last fifty years. Look at Japan. Avoided fast food and had no obesity problems. McDonalds opens up and obesity starts rising.

ultimately if you want to actually solve the problem and not just feel smug about yourself you’ve got to do better than “everyone’s lazy but me”.

Also, what’s wrong with laziness? Animals are supposed to be lazy! It’s efficient use of resources. :p

I would say that the biggest factor is the sedentary life style everyone now has, people used to eat lard on toast and roast their spuds in that, but they would burn it off through the day at work.

I'm not trying to be funny here, but if your friends can't afford to cook a meal or afford to power a fridge, I hardly think buying a take away is a good use of limited resources.

I work in a factory, I start work before most people's alarms have gone off, I'm knackered most days when I come home, It doesn't take an hour to prepare a meal, you can easily stick a spud in the oven, and open a tin of beans or tuna. Slice an onion, chicken breast, with simple veg, and throw it in a wrap, there's 2 meals that will take less then 10 minutes to prep.



The amount of times I’ve been on the road or whatever and wanted to eat healthy and it’s basically impossible.

Even considered starting up a carb free/healthy drive thru. But even I know given the choice id still head for a Maccys 😂

Think the problem is cost.

Id love a healthy drive-thru or takeaway where I can get a decent meal quickly. A lot of the ingredients would probably need to be fresh.

You do have those companies like musclefood that will do them but it isn't spur of the moment :(

It's catch 22, if you are in a slump you aren't motivated about preparing food etc. Get a bit more healthy and you are more likely to prepare stuff, it's just that first hurdle.


Well-Known Member
Think the problem is cost.

Id love a healthy drive-thru or takeaway where I can get a decent meal quickly. A lot of the ingredients would probably need to be fresh.

You do have those companies like musclefood that will do them but it isn't spur of the moment :(

It's catch 22, if you are in a slump you aren't motivated about preparing food etc. Get a bit more healthy and you are more likely to prepare stuff, it's just that first hurdle.
Musclefood is sub standard shite anyway.

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Well-Known Member
Musclefood is sub standard shite anyway.

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Can’t say that I’ve ever tried it, meant to a while ago but since settled on using the local butcher instead. Quality of meat is miles better than a supermarket and probably on a rough par for cost.

Do tend to see a lot of misinformation around the cost of healthy eating. After bulk-buying my meat from the butchers, I can probably get away with spending £15-20 per week for enough veg etc for meals to feed a family of 5.


Well-Known Member
We have been using Gousto for a few weeks and every meal we have had has been excellent.

Not all of the recipes are "lean and low calories" but everything is fresh and delicious, highly recommend it!

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I really can't remember the last time I had a McDonalds etc. I can't stand pizzas either. What's all the hype about a slab of tasteless dough smothered in gunge and costs a fortune?
I agree that this watershed ban thing is a slow starter, but look at how many people smoke these days. Far, far less than say, 10 or 20 years ago. I'm convinced that advertising was a root cause of that. So, given time, this ban could work. I also agree with some good ideas on here e.g. higher tax and cost, stop building so bloody many, and put a limit on adverts such as Just Eat and similar. They make it far too easy!


Well-Known Member
The watershed thing is presumably aimed at kids. How many kids are watching linear tv these days?

Very good point, I'd imagine a very small %. They don't even watch TV shows anymore, just YouTubers playing video games.

It would work better if the watershed applies to YouTube ads too.


Well-Known Member
We have been using Gousto for a few weeks and every meal we have had has been excellent.

Not all of the recipes are "lean and low calories" but everything is fresh and delicious, highly recommend it!

Had a trial membership of that and really liked it, the fact I could do the meals without killing anyone shows how good the recipes were too


Well-Known Member
The watershed thing is presumably aimed at kids. How many kids are watching linear tv these days?

Secondary school it might make a small amount of difference as they're likely to go on their own. With younger kids it's more them hassling parents to take them so ultimately it's on the parents giving in rather than standing firm and saying "tough - eat what I've made you". So for me the ban is more a benefit for parents maybe not being hassled so much.

Taxation and subsidy is the way to go - more nudge theory.

(most) fruit and veg are affordable but I can find getting them to store can be a pain and results in me buying more frozen stuff.

But my biggest reason for eating junk is the lack of washing up afterwards. I've never finished a meal and thought "do you know what would finish this off nicely - if I could put on some marigolds and scrub these plates clean"


McDonalds or a Takeaway has always been a treat for my daughter really. Granted sometimes she won't have the most nutritious meals but it does piss me off when SOME people claim they can't afford to feed their kids properly but will happily spend much more on crap food that won't fill them up.

I remember seeing some parents moan their kid wouldn't sleep at night, he was wandering round with a bottle of coke at 9.30PM. Fuck sake.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I think you need to make good food cheaper than crap. Tax the shit out of junk food and use the money to subsidise organic fruit and veg.

You can buy a carrot for as little as 5p, the difficulty is persuading people to avoid convenience because they can’t be arsed cooking


You can buy a carrot for as little as 5p, the difficulty is persuading people to avoid convenience because they can’t be arsed cooking

It's just that motivation thing isn't it.

I get that people are busy and have lives but it's just an excuse, I have tried to kid myself too sometimes so know it's bollocks. You can just get a slow cooker and chuck loads of random bits in and there's a half decent meal. It's actually less hassle than making chips and nuggets.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
It's just that motivation thing isn't it.

I get that people are busy and have lives but it's just an excuse, I have tried to kid myself too sometimes so know it's bollocks. You can just get a slow cooker and chuck loads of random bits in and there's a half decent meal. It's actually less hassle than making chips and nuggets.

The most expensive part of the shop is fresh meat but I can get not everybody wanting to cut it. You can get loads of fruit and especially veg for not much at all though.

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