Well-Known Member
You can buy a carrot for as little as 5p, the difficulty is persuading people to avoid convenience because they can’t be arsed cooking
Yea. Humans are lazy. Given we aren’t going to change that, what do we do?
You can buy a carrot for as little as 5p, the difficulty is persuading people to avoid convenience because they can’t be arsed cooking
Yea. Humans are lazy. Given we aren’t going to change that, what do we do?
The equivalent of a spending cap in the bookies
Get rid of share boxes/bags. No one shares let be honest.
Could also cap the price paid on things like Deliveroo/Uber Eats etc
Yea. Humans are lazy. Given we aren’t going to change that, what do we do?
As a species I don't think we're lazy, a lot of hard work goes into making your average persons life more efficient.
Maybe a convenience tax? Some kind of function of ease of use and calorie count?
Thing is, you don’t buy from Uber Eats if you’re concerned with cost anyway.
Clearly never worked on a production line then.
Clearly don’t understand the difference between different areas of your life.
My worst diet time was my hardest working time. When I was teaching in coursework season I ate so much takeout just because I was either knackered or simply didn’t have the time to prep and cook. Was I lazy or not?
Quite simply, yes, you're talking to someone whos worked 16 hour days, 7 days a week for months on end in hard physical labour. I didn't need to resort to take away for a meal.
Would you like a medal?
No, I'm just telling you that's your excuses don't stack up. If you want to eat healthy then you will and it's that simple.
McDonalds or a Takeaway has always been a treat for my daughter really. Granted sometimes she won't have the most nutritious meals but it does piss me off when SOME people claim they can't afford to feed their kids properly but will happily spend much more on crap food that won't fill them up.
I remember seeing some parents moan their kid wouldn't sleep at night, he was wandering round with a bottle of coke at 9.30PM. Fuck sake.
Clearly never worked on a production line then.
And I’m telling you that you’re far too harsh on people assuming everyone should be like you or they’re lazy. Maybe I think you’re lazy because you’re stuck doing manual Labour on long shifts rather than getting an education so you can work normal hours? Would that be fair? Or would that be me judging you by my standards that aren’t appropriate to you?
People do the best they can with the resources they have available.
People differ physically. Some have lower red blood count than others and tire easily. People absorb nutrients at different rates. If Usain Bolt and Mo Farah are having a gentle jog but going faster than a fat guy really busting a gut and muscles full of lactic acid who is trying hard and who is being lazy?
And I’m telling you that you’re far too harsh on people assuming everyone should be like you or they’re lazy. Maybe I think you’re lazy because you’re stuck doing manual Labour on long shifts rather than getting an education so you can work normal hours? Would that be fair? Or would that be me judging you by my standards that aren’t appropriate to you?
People do the best they can with the resources they have available.
But is that because you have to go at that speed or because you choose to? If you got to set your own work pace would you slow it down?