Help Needed (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
I don't if if many of you saw or read my post on the thread " So now we know"
In the text i put the email that i sent to all of our local MP's
one or two of you thought it was a good email

i have had a reply from Taiwo Owatemi who is a Coventry MP saying that i need to be a constituent of hers so that she can act on my behalf
i assume therefore that this will apply to all but my own local MP who is Jeremy Wright

I was wondering if anyone wished to take up my email and send it to their MP so that they can act on it
incidentally this is the only reply i have had (not one from my own MP to date)
i have also sent this to Andy Street and Robert Jenrick who is the minister for local government

the email for reference is set out below
if there is no interest i will let it lie

Dear Member of Parliament

Coventry City Council and Wasps Rugby Club

You may well know about the situation with Coventry City FC being forced to play their home games in Birmingham. There appears to be a lot of underlying misinformation and misleading information as to why this is case.

Having heard a report on local radio CWR which you may not be aware of, it appears that the main problem with the refusal of wasps to allow CCFC to play games in the city that bears their name is due to the fact that the local authority appear to insist on CCFC signing an indemnity against damages which may occur following the complaint to the EU about state aid for the sale of the Ricoh Arena to wasps.

Is it right that the local authority should impose this condition on its football club which bears it’s name

Can questions be asked about the validity of the indemnity.

In my simplistic way of thinking two questions come to mind:

Does Coventry City council think it has broken state aid rules or done anything wrong or illegal in the sale of the Ricoh Arena to Wasps

If the answer is No why do they need an indemnity

If the answer is yes, they think they might have done something illegal or wrong then why should CCFC pay for that mistake.

I am writing to you all as local MPs because this situation cannot be allowed to continue just to protect Coventry City Council

There is great deal more to this than I know but is it right that 10s of thousands of people in Coventry and Warwickshire are losing out on their support and love of the local football team at the whim of the local authority and an erstwhile London Rugby Club


Well-Known Member
Already been on to my councillors, with zero response. Will send something to my MP as well.


Well-Known Member
Great work.
I don't live in Cov so can't be much help unfortunately.

I guarantee though, if they even bother to to respond they'll jump on this bit:

I it appears that the main problem with the refusal of wasps to allow CCFC to play games in the city that bears their name is due to the fact that the local authority appear to insist on CCFC signing an indemnity

They'll just reiterate their claim that they never insisted on it.


Well-Known Member
Great work.
I don't live in Cov so can't be much help unfortunately.

I guarantee though, if they even bother to to respond they'll jump on this bit:

They'll just reiterate their claim that they never insisted on it.

Staying out of these threads, but yeah that’s why it’s a bad line to take. Stick to the facts not rumour and supposition if you want to be taken seriously. Said the same to Mark and Pete. First step is to get the council to confirm they don’t need the indemnity for themselves.

Wasps may well keep it (I can’t see why they wouldn’t), but then it isolates them as the “problem”. Too easy to bat away inaccurate statements as ranting that can be safely ignored. Got to be as careful with words as the people you’re trying to pin down.


Well-Known Member
Staying out of these threads, but yeah that’s why it’s a bad line to take. Stick to the facts not rumour and supposition if you want to be taken seriously. Said the same to Mark and Pete. First step is to get the council to confirm they don’t need the indemnity for themselves.

Wasps may well keep it (I can’t see why they wouldn’t), but then it isolates them as the “problem”. Too easy to bat away inaccurate statements as ranting that can be safely ignored. Got to be as careful with words as the people you’re trying to pin down.
I take on board what you're saying but im not accusing anyone
i am asking them (the MP's) who in a position of authority and power (allegedly) to ask the question of the council if they are asking for an indemnity. Nobody has yet got a definitive truthful answer
if the MPs's ask that question of the councillors they must be in a positron to obtain the truth
i would have thought the minister for local government Robert Jenrick would be able to get an answer form the council

the reason for the email is to get the council to answer that very point as to whether they are asking for an indemnity
it is not to accuse


Well-Known Member
I take on board what you're saying but im not accusing anyone
i am asking them (the MP's) who in a position of authority and power (allegedly) to ask the question of the council if they are asking for an indemnity. Nobody has yet got a definitive truthful answer
if the MPs's ask that question of the councillors they must be in a positron to obtain the truth
i would have thought the minister for local government Robert Jenrick would be able to get an answer form the council

the reason for the email is to get the council to answer that very point as to whether they are asking for an indemnity
it is not to accuse

I get that, but the council have said they haven’t and will tell any MPs the same. So we are back to square one. You can assume the council haven’t *asked* for it, what we need is confirmation the council don’t *want* it.

I’ll be honest, I think this is a wild goose chase. Whether Wasps have it there because they want it or because they think CCC want it, the result is the same. Any enquiries to CCC will almost certainly be met with the same replies we’ve already had.

The problem is Wasps want Sisu to stop trying to reverse the Ricoh sale and Sisu don’t want to stop. It’s a commercial negotiation between two private businesses and MPs will be able to do very little. We’ve had the Midlands Mayor in the room and he’s been able to do very little.

Anyway, I’ve already said enough to light the blue touch paper around here. Good luck with it.


Well-Known Member
Case in point:

Expect this boilerplate stuff from any politician.


Well-Known Member
I get that, but the council have said they haven’t and will tell any MPs the same. So we are back to square one. You can assume the council haven’t *asked* for it, what we need is confirmation the council don’t *want* it.

I’ll be honest, I think this is a wild goose chase. Whether Wasps have it there because they want it or because they think CCC want it, the result is the same. Any enquiries to CCC will almost certainly be met with the same replies we’ve already had.

The problem is Wasps want Sisu to stop trying to reverse the Ricoh sale and Sisu don’t want to stop. It’s a commercial negotiation between two private businesses and MPs will be able to do very little. We’ve had the Midlands Mayor in the room and he’s been able to do very little.

Anyway, I’ve already said enough to light the blue touch paper around here. Good luck with it.
yes but were you at arms length when you lit the blue touch paper
it may come to nothing but i think we need to keep the pressure on
thank you

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