Social media has far more negatives than positives nowadays, from Instagram giving a platform to extreme narcissists, to kids getting bullied, to the fake news, the left/right divide, the trolls and that its being abused as a political tool.
I use it because I have to but it's a complete gutter. On every single thread, I can hardly distinguish between bots and actual peoples opinions because of the extreme views both left and right.
There is a reason why it is now used as the main tool in politics. They have a profile of who "you" are and what pushes your buttons. Social media knows your political and social beliefs and serves you exactly what you want to read which in turn reinforces those beliefs.
How these ad campaigns can be run more or less completely unchecked is shocking. A fact checking policy needs to be a top priority. The percentage of ads that were run (official & unofficial) during Brexit & the Trump Campaign (Obama also used during his campaign) which were misleading is surprisingly high.
The problem is the politicians that can make these laws that are needed are completely out of touch and don't really understand the problem. If you've seen the senate hearings when Mark Zuckerberg was testifying about Cambridge Analytica, you'll see what I mean, it was an complete embarrassment.
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