Brighton, Glazier, nothing personal. & obviously I don't expect fans who live further than 50 miles away to physically support their team week in week out. Your long distance support of your team is commendable. The 'Sicknotes' I'm having a go at are the locals, the ones who choose not to come and then moan that the club don't do this and that. & then swear blind they are loyal City fans, if only there wasn't this board, that manager, that useless striker - ad infinitum. Sicknotes all. A board, whether it was 1970s, 1980s etc, can't spend what it doesn't have. And I'd argue strongly with Astute that the players I mentioned, and plenty more, would not have been sold if we'd had thriving support to keep them here. No, the players would've seen us as a bigger club and stayed and the club would have prospered. I repeat, what magic beans do the critics want the various boards over the decades to produce? No fans= no money. Pure logic.
Ask yourselves - why are we underachievers? My take is that the fans don't turn up in sufficient numbers, therefore to pay the bills better players are sold. So we decline a little more each time. The fans absence is a significant factor in the club's downfall. No doubt about it. & I would say that fans who come up with the reasoning 'that thy're shite and I won't be going until they get better' are a key reason why we're failing.
Blueflint - you've said it all & proved my point, you aren't helping them improve.
Hey, you can watch the City for about £12 or £13 a game with a season ticket paid monthly. In this day & age I'd say that is pretty decent. Yes it should be cheaper, but then so should a lot of things.
Good support - good team.