This is an idiotic statement, and shows why the majority of CCFC fans have no time for the SBT.
SB50, I admire anyone who is getting off their backside to do something, but if you persist in comments which alienate anyone who raises any humour using the SBT name, or questions their action, then you are simply alienating the masses.
Quite rightly, anyone associated with the SBT has to rebuild some bridges after the fook up left by the last lot who 'ran' it....and naturally, you will have some fans who will be sceptical and may have a laugh or two at the SBT's expense...however, your reaction is unacceptable.
The SBT name is 'damaged goods', and I think you should have renamed it....alleged tickets for the hierarchy abuses, etc. naturally make fans wary of the SBT.
By making it to be a 'you are not a CCFC fan if you dare to question/mock/criticse the SBT' you are not helping the situation.
If you are one of the SBT hierarchy you should, quite frankly, know better...and highlight the behaviours why the majority of fans do indeed mock the SBT, if you are not in the hierarchy, then I suggest that Jan and the likes would not appreciate your denegration of your fellow fans.
Just a comment, so please take it as such, and as advice....rather than returning with a rant labelling me as anti-CCFC...which, as you clearly know, I am not.