Tough conversation.
A bit like me too there’s an obvious issue and an awful lot of nonsense both in support and opposition to resolving it.
For whatever reason we do have two sexes and one overwhelmingly does the violence, and is not coincidentally also much better equipped to dish out said violence. If you include rape as well the obvious biological imbalance is clear. So women have good reason to be scared. Like Louis CK says in his bit, dating for women is like taking a bear on a date. If things go bad they could literally kill you. I don’t think most men truly understand that feeling. I don’t think I’ve ever had a girlfriend who could overpower me and I’m not exactly Arnie.
But equally, statistically men are much more likely to be murdered or physically attacked than women. So it’s a lower chance but likely a higher penalty (again you’re more likely to fight off a man than a woman is).
Problem is human brain doesn’t do how likely it is, it does how scary it is. So no amount of statistics are going to change the fear.
I think there’s a fair argument that if we “good ones” can normalise respectful behaviour, including asking if a girl is OK if she looks like she wants out, crossing the road, not leering and shouting, etc. Then women don’t have to worry quite so much on a daily basis and it’s easier for them to spot the true wronguns.