Well-Known Member
Should the world survive a few more thousand years then indeed we will look like we are from before the age of enlightenment. Eighty-five percent of the universe, including the very stuff we exist in, is made up of dark matter about which we know next to nothing.
Going way back to my misspent times, I had the God-spot experience whilst on LSD, amphetamine and dope. It was both frightening and revelatory. My whole being was like a body of atoms merged with my entire surroundings as a shield of pure, white light. I was the wall, the floor, the universe. This wasn't just some mad visionary thing. It was me, everything as one as white light.
I also know from my doctorate studies in cognition and posture that as much as this being a view of the universe it could simply be a complete breakdown of my physical senses. But who knows?
I agree. In the ages to come (hopefully, if we haven't destroyed the place in the meantime) we'll look as clueless as those from the dark ages. Even more so we'll look stupid because we saw things like climate catastrophe coming and did next to nothing to prevent it all for the sake of some fancy printed bits of paper/plastic and stamped metal. I also wonder if the fact we're making everything onto technology might make it seem like we leave very little record behind soon as those that follow us will be unable to access it. I've already got tons of stuff i can no longer access because the technology has changed. I sometimes wonder if maybe the lack of info from the dark ages is because the way they stored information is now lost to us.
I don't want to live forever, but i'd love to exist that long, just to see the answer to these questions and what questions follow. What is dark matter/energy? Will the universe end in the big rip or the big contraction, or something else? What is the Grand Unified Theory?