CCFC in Court Over Rent!! (1 Viewer)


I have heard a whisper that ACL have got CCFC in Court on 13 August to get them to put the rent money back in the Escrow? Anybody know if it is true? How much is it? It must be over £0.5m by now.


Well-Known Member
Seems odd if they are still in (admittedly protracted) negotiations.


CCFC Finance Director
it will have to be dealt with at some point Nick and the timescales would seem about right. A lot of people are missing the point that the escrow account is part of the terms of the lease and it not being at £500k breaks the terms of the lease. The fact that it was there in the first place indicates what a financial risk CCFC is for any landlord....... an assessment bourne out by the facts to date


Well-Known Member
If anyone's in the town centre could they please pop into the Combined Courts and check the County Court list for August 13th.

Post your findings here.

Robert's your Father's Brother!


New Member
Has this been confirmed yet?

Have the Telegraph even asked CCFC or ACL? As Les Reid boasts emptily "we'll continue to pressurise the authorities to deliver facts in the public interest" (CT 1 Aug 2012 P8.), or perhaps he means when it doesn't affect his mates at Sisu. If the CT had journalists rather than lowly paid re-cyclers of PR guff, they would ask questions and actually serve the public interest.


Now CWR are reporting it. Not sure how journalists work but they can't be doing that much of a great job!


New Member
Is there anything in todays telegraph? Seems like their playing down what I think is a pretty major story

Now that a week has gone by, the Telegraph triumphs with a story tomorrow. ACL has made an offer to CCFC which has rejected it. Don't know where that gets anyone except fatty Clarke can carry on eating the pies.


New Member
That seems to be the story tomorrow in the Telegraph.

Perhaps they should also have a reader's poll on how many pies Clarke would have to eat before he exploded like Mr Creosote. I guess only a dozen, a mere snack.


Well-Known Member
It would be interesting to know what kind of offer they have presented to the club, but we'll probably never know.

Unless the club feels the 'new rent' will contribute to bring balance between costs and income, I don't think the club will accept.

Bring in a mediator and bring this circus to en end. Nobody - especially the playing staff - needs this kind of off field rubbish this season!


Well-Known Member
Still sticking up for sisu eh? You have the username of one of coventry's most famous people. Judas.

Well, I simply fail to see how I could have written my post more neutral. Nowhere do I put blame or shame, nowhere do I take side. On the contrary, I point to a neutral outsider as a viable solution.

I specifically use the term 'the club' and not 'the owners' or 'sisu' because it's the club that pays the rent.


New Member
It will be interesting to see when this offer was made, before or after the recent court case.

Knowing the Telegraph's reporting abilities it was probably about 6 months ago.


Well-Known Member
The more things change, the more they stay the same:

"Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:10 pm John McGuigan confirmed that ACL had received two extremely unrealistic offers which ACL had turned down and he expressed the view that the real issue at stake was the depth of financial issues facing Coventry City FC.

He also confirmed that the Council and ACL would be willing to consider any offers which came forward from interested investors (but of course the council cannot invest public money directly in the Football Club.) "

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