Not really one related to aliases but try as I might, there are many posters on here I can never distinguish between. You could have polarising views, or one of you could say something horrendous and you’re both getting the blame in my eyes.
Earlsdon Sky Blue & Earlsdon Loyal Blue. I know you know each other, I know one of you has had a terrible time of late, I think one of you got angry at 5 a side once and posted about it, but basically to me you’re the same person.
I have the same problem with anyone called Steve.
Also covmark and mark82, same person.
The philosopher and Philosoraptor, yep same person. Feel bad for whichever one of you doesn’t do the mental graphs.
Slowpoke and procdoc too. Not even close, but my brain can’t decipher it.
If your name has no spacing and contains skyblue or ccfc you’re all the same person, unless you talk complete waffle (definitely 1 that comes to mind…) then I know who you are.
While I’m aimlessly ranting about posters names, there are a handful that no matter how many times I see it, I always read it wrong like regiswasgod I read as Reg Is Was God. Why do I do that?! Esoterica I read without the o and in the wrong place, so Estorica. Ccfcisparks I can’t work out is Ccfc is parks or ccfc i sparks.
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