It may not materialize instantly due to projections but notionally that stamp duty cut would evaporate to the selling price within month's via estate agents seizing it on behalf of seller's of course inflating the market
Even tnough it was a small share of the vote, Tony Blair was able to win a General Election after Iraq by coming across as reasonably sincere in how he thought it was the best thing etc, and it did catch a bounce of sorts. You'll get a small rump who'll vote for whatever party no matter what they say (Death to Your Relatives! Yay!!) and a larger rump who want to be convinced, and will take relatively little.Sure they can when it’s all rhetoric, but that goes out the window when you’re mortgage goes up 50%. Can’t talk your way out of that. All they could do is back down from their nuttery on the economy, but it’s the sort of thing that once you do it once people take a long time to trust you again.
Just one point he was incumbent as a "previously elected PM".Even tnough it was a small share of the vote, Tony Blair was able to win a General Election after Iraq by coming across as reasonably sincere in how he thought it was the best thing etc, and it did catch a bounce of sorts. You'll get a small rump who'll vote for whatever party no matter what they say (Death to Your Relatives! Yay!!) and a larger rump who want to be convinced, and will take relatively little.
Then there's the other part who see the lesser of evils. Now that, of course, is where a nice solid former Director of Public Prosecutions probably plays better than a lefty with a conscience but an eually idealised view of economics as the current lot, if from a vastly different perspective. Things are relative too. If they improve from here, then they can point to pain for gain, and some will accept that.
Again, this is Liz Truss(!) so the chances of her pulling it off are slim to none. She's currently managed the rare achievement of being even worse than I expected, after all(!) but, either an upturn, or a change of leader, and things become very different yet again.
Of course from my biased perspective, I'm fervantly hoping that this trashes the Tory reputation for being capable guardians of the economy for a generation. Hopefully we get the chance to change things before I lose my job...
They’re so beautiful and brave xPersonally I think she needs to clamp down on burglaries. What happened to Perrie and Axel this week was a disgrace and more needs to be done to find the culprits
Are they waiving any tax on this indivial or did forget mentioning the partner on the same salary?BuT tHeY wEnT tO oXfOrD.
Can anyone understand why we aren’t on the streets burning things
Apparently they climbed through the back window using a very tall ladder. Also Perrie bought the house for £3m and paid cash. Who counted the cash and did they keep it in a briefcase or a suitcase?
an actual disgrace
Don’t know if you’re taking the piss
Seriously though is it not in us and then are we taken advantage of
Just googled enough is enough.just seen this Pete, not very well publicised as I haven't heard much mention about it till now.
Celebrities to join thousands taking part in cost of living protests across the UK
A number of celebrities will be among the thousands taking part in cost of living protests across the country tomorrow.
Campaign group Enough is Enough is holding a national day of action, with events in more than 50 cities, towns and villages across the country.
I've never understood why it's even used at all as the only thing it can possibly do is mislead and lead people into pending more on fuel than they normally would because they think they're covered above £2.5k.There’s also the issue that Martin Lewis was raising yesterday with her keeping saying that no one will pay more than £2,500 or words that would lead people to believe that to be true. I spent about half an hour last night telling my mum that her bill won’t be capped at £2,500 so she can switch the heating on full, open the windows, switch all the lights on all day and tumble dry her heart out even when the sun is shining without worry that her bill will exceed £2,500. She will be billed for what she uses it’s the rates that are capped not her bill and the £2,500 is just an example of the average bill not a maximum figure. I don’t think she believed me.
FFYSure they can when it’s all rhetoric, but that goes out the window when you’re mortgage goes up 50%. Can’t talk your way out of that. All they could do is back down from their nuttery on the economy, but it’s the sort of thing that once Labour do it once people take a long time to trust them again.
an actual disgrace
Kinnock was about 2 or 3 points ahead in the polls going into the 1992 electionKinnock, Miliband.
BuT tHeY wEnT tO oXfOrD
Mini-Budget. Major Catastrophe.
How much have Truss and Kwarteng cost the country so far?
This is all quite deliberate, if not from that pair then from the people pulling their strings
Careful, you’ll be getting accused of being paranoid. By believing your own eyes.
He says we're pandering to the 0.1%.So cubicles are dual use these days?
Who knew.
Just going back to how dangerous her £2,500 energy bill cap lie is
What about the 60% who believe it’s a cap!!!???Thing is she's so dense I honestly don't know whether she's lying or genuinely believes that they're capped at £2.5k because she doesn't understand the measure in place.
What about the 60% who believe it’s a cap!!!???