Well-Known Member
Uh oh. Just as we were getting along so well.
I work in data too, and GDPR is a real pain in the arse but I'm 100% in favour of it. The key is the ability the opt-out of your personal data being processed, which in some cases is very much the smart thing to do.
There's nothing more personal I can think of than your medical data, and sending it to the States (which is somewhat lax on data controls) is a really poor idea. Sending it to Palantir, given their links to the Police and security services (and the Republicans and Trump for good measure), even less so.
If the data was genuinely anonymised that would be one thing, but by the look of it this is pseudo-anonymisation, which isn't that hard to unravel if you've got the time and a few different sources available. It's right to kick up about it, imho.
UK hospital patient data set to enter Palantir system
'You'll be hearing from us,' say privacy campaigners who previously forced the government to back
It’ll be processed according to the law though. Just because someone right wing is involved doesn’t automatically make it bad. The Reg loves a scare story, but that article is light in detail and heavy on buts and maybes.
The benefit for general health and NHS efficiency far outweighs the risk of you getting targeted ads for piles cream or whatever.
By all means scrutinise the data being sent, and the storage and processing. But most of this is scare stories with little detail.
I’m a data scientist at heart and TBH most data isn’t used for scary things, just a bunch of geeks trying to solve cool problems. If they want to profile you I know a guy who can infer pretty much everything about you including predictives from your FB profile. That horse has well and truly bolted.