I strongly recommend that you read my full post and not just the controversial part. I have been consistent in blaming the police as I have been for long before this report.
My comment was that it wasn't imo the only factor and one report will not change my mind on that. Heysel, even Istanbul just a few years back. I'm not saying we're perfect, in fact some of us far from it, just in smaller numbers, but to say that it was total disorder because of the police and only the police is I believe just as wrong as the original findings.
I've been to football, you've been to football, it was the 80's and a recipe that was all too often set up to go wrong and only needed the stupidity of something like the decision to open that gate for the consequences that followed. But, exuberance, anger, some of which will have been fuelled by alcohol as it was every week at HR inside and outside the West End as kick off approached, adding the ingredient of opportunist and ticketless fans, not many, certainly not all, but some and they must in some small way, however it is dressed up, be partially responsible.
Of course in light of the recent report and without the availability of hard evidence to prove it, there is no way on gods earth that they would have been permitted to speculate on anything untowards by the fans. And again, when I say fans, I am in no way describing the actions of any of the 96 who died (CRB checks and an attempt to discredit them was outrageous) but other fans who will have known and must live with the fact that they and others were involuntary a factor. I'm sure if everyone of those who had a drink or turned up without a ticket, knew the consequences they would go back and change it, but to suddenly say it never happened is baffling.