The only thing I can say (and I don't know what you're there for) but they do the same for my Mum - the consultant admitted last time in her particular case it was as much that they can see her as well as get the answers. One time he asked the questions and was clearly not listening particularly, but was already sorting out the referral to the ward because he was concerned with how she was sitting in the chair. Another time he refused to sign off an operation because she turned up in a wheelchair and so was obviously too weak because of that - her answers were the same she'd have given if she answered from home.
Everything's different of course and I'm by no means against a phone call. I love the way my doctor works now - rings people first, decides if they need to come in or not based on that, means if you have something properly wrong with you you're far more likely to be actually seen than in the days when it was get an appointment in a week, or sit in the waiting room from 8am and hope, because he's already filtered out the needy ones!