Mild-Mannered Janitor
Kindest Bloke on CCFC / Maker of CCFC Dreams
Hopefully most know that this is a fund set up to help purchase season tickets for other individuals, families and children.
Over £32,000 of season tickets given away in 4 years from your donations and from the club giving additional donated ones to help out
Donation Link - Please be as generous as you can
Nomination Link – If you now someone who would benefit from a season ticket then nominate below with as much details as possible as to why they should benefit
SkyBluesTalk Helping Fellow Fans Nomination
Please donate or nominate and make the 5th year a great one to help others.
Thank You for your generosity
Over £32,000 of season tickets given away in 4 years from your donations and from the club giving additional donated ones to help out
Donation Link - Please be as generous as you can

Donate to CCFC Season Tickets V, organized by Simon Miller
This has been set up to help individuals and families purchase a season ticket for the 2022/23 seas… Simon Miller needs your support for CCFC Season Tickets V
Nomination Link – If you now someone who would benefit from a season ticket then nominate below with as much details as possible as to why they should benefit
SkyBluesTalk Helping Fellow Fans Nomination
Please donate or nominate and make the 5th year a great one to help others.
Thank You for your generosity