Jimmy Saville (4 Viewers)


With so many horrid reports coming out now it seems there was either a massive cover up or a lot of people are on the bandwagon.

Just read about a woman who saw him molest a brain damaged kid but didnt do anything. Why not press the alarm button by the bed or shout a nurse?


Well-Known Member
There are bound sure to be a fair percentage that are fake and are just jumping on the bandwagon.

The one you have described seems so horrific you would have to say that you couldn't see anyone doing anything but reporting him, so I do find that odd that nothing was said at the time.


It is sick that people would make it up, just makes it harder to find out what really happened and who was hurt by him.


With so many horrid reports coming out now it seems there was either a massive cover up or a lot of people are on the bandwagon.

Just read about a woman who saw him molest a brain damaged kid but didnt do anything. Why not press the alarm button by the bed or shout a nurse?

Surely that women should be charged with something for doing nothing about this if true?
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30 years ago a 14 year old girl says Jimmy Saville ( who was a famous man at the time ) touched her - she gets told to get lost and stop making up silly stories.

I'm glad that these days we at least look into it.


30 years ago a 14 year old girl says Jimmy Saville ( who was a famous man at the time ) touched her - she gets told to get lost and stop making up silly stories.

I'm glad that these days we at least look into it.

Exactly, if only he was alive to get the punishments in jail.


New Member
Exactly, if only he was alive to get the punishments in jail.

A worse punishment is that he will be forever tarnished by the speculation true or otherwise

Would love to see him lose the "Sir" also...


A worse punishment is that he will be forever tarnished by the speculation true or otherwise

Would love to see him lose the "Sir" also...

To him it doesn't matter now though. His family are the ones feeling it now he is dead which I assume they are innocent.

I just hope that the police and people investigating can find out what happened so victims can get some closure and the bandwagoners get punished as well as anybody involved in a cover up.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
No wonder he liked working in hospitals where vulnerable kids were! (I always wondered why he never married as well :thinking about:


New Member
30 years ago a 14 year old girl says Jimmy Saville ( who was a famous man at the time ) touched her - she gets told to get lost and stop making up silly stories.

I'm glad that these days we at least look into it.

The people who dismissed these claims though should also be exposed and investigated. They are the ones who allowed this to happen and therefore are also morally guilty.

If the police were told about this in the past and they did nothing then they also have a case to answer.


Well-Known Member
The people who dismissed these claims though should also be exposed and investigated. They are the ones who allowed this to happen and therefore are also morally guilty.

If the police were told about this in the past and they did nothing then they also have a case to answer.

How on earth could anyone watch someone abuse a brain damaged kid and not say anything. It's beyond belief. :(


Facebook User
IMO i do not take much notice of some of the stories coming out at the moment. You are always going to get fantasists and bandwagon jumpers. From the little pieces of "fact" coming out Jimmy liked Young girls between 14 - 16. To then maybe swith that to touching kids or the mentally ill is i found slightly disturbing. He worked for hospitals and charities most of his life and nothing was ever said. I am sure it would have come to light by now. The complaints about young girls i can see and think carry more credability. Sensationalism is a danger and something the newspapers just love! "young fans" around the Top of the Pops studio's yes, i can see how that may be true, sick kids in hospital.....No. Plus look at some of the shit, one of the Nolan sisters claimed he held her a bit too close!! Really, can remember that 30 - 40 odd years ago can you!!


CCFC Finance Director
30 or 40 years ago it was a different culture and people were believed on reputation, celebrity and importance. Kids then didnt have a voice and any time one shouted up against something (even minor things) they were branded trouble makers and disruptive. Child protection was not the focus it is today, it should have been but it wasnt.

Paedophiles are secretive, manipulative, and very plausible in their denials. If a 14 year old girl had the courage and support to complain then it would have felt like she was on trial because how could a "national treasure" like Saville be so vile. Having been so abused it would have taken incredible strength to fight back and be believed, it would have taken support that often did not exist. The rights and the importance of what a child said in court were also different to now. These crimes were committed in private with no witness ..... yes people can say he allegedly took girls to a room but no one actually knows what went on other than the victim and him ....... his reputation and word against that of a frightened kid...... he knew that, it is what gave him confidence to allegedly continue for decades. Even now it has taken death before many feel they can speak

There were not the victim support agencies or procedures in the 60's and 70's, there was still a whole chunk of society that would have blamed the girl. Nor were people like police, medical professions, carers trained or vetted in such things like they are now. It is easy to judge others for not spotting it by todays standards but unless they actively colluded with Savilles alledged behaviour then i think you have to have a little understanding for those that didnt act even when we all think they should have. It is quite likely that any whistle blower would have been viewed as a trouble maker when compared to the "national treasure" and lost jobs, reputation etc...... this was not just sexual and child abuse but also abuse of power ...... and abuse of power/control is a key tool in a paedophiles plan

None of that makes it right, but people then and now often fail to act on many things because of self interest (that can be simple fear). It is easy to criticise but until everyone rejects such behaviour it sadly will continue. It still continues. Child or sexual abuse is not new and it is still covered by layers of secrecy and fear.

Had these alleged acts never taken place then no one would have been blamed for not shouting up......... only one man is in the frame for these acts. In a perfect world people would have shouted up, in a perfect world the women and children would not have been abused .......... sadly the world isnt anywhere close to perfect

We should in no way cloud or shadow the depravity of the alleged crimes committed, by focussing on those who did not collude in it, passively or otherwise decades ago. BUT we are right to question it

I would like to think I and the folk I know would all speak up.................... I can not put into words how much I abhor what was done to these children and women

OSB - husband and father of 2 girls 1 lad
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Well-Known Member
It was a different place back then.

This Saville thing has had me recalling a story I was told as a young 16 year old back in the 1970's.


I worked in a 'stores' office for an industrial company. Used to get load of reps in trying to sell their wares and I recall this one story that at the time didn't even particularly raise an eyebrow amongst any of my colleagues.

This rep started talking about when he was younger and an occasion when he was about 13 and was out with his mates. They found a girl of 10 who they did know quite well and they pinned her down and pulled down her pants and started fingering and rubbing her. It sounded from he was telling me that it was quite playful and no force at all was used. She sort of resisted at first but it was all played out like a game so he said. Like a game of doctors and nurses I suppose. In the end this rep said she really liked it.

Anyway, they continued until she orgasmed. This girl's 8 year old sister was with her and watched the whole thing. This rep said that when they had finished with the older sister the younger one said she wasn't going to leave until they did it to her too.

Anyone told that story now these people would be investigated and quite rightly be probably thrown in youth offenders centre. Back then this was all 'jovial' and upon telling the story everyone in the office was laughing and joking about it. Seems unbelievable thinking about it now. Seems an odd story for anyone to make up. Everyone listening at the time found it all quite acceptable.

As I say, I was only 16 and very naive at the time. Can't remember exactly what i felt back then but it did shock me. When everyone else makes light of something though it sort of clouds your judgement of what is and isn't acceptable I suppose.

A different world. :( Can understand why many people didn't speak out.
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The woman who saw the brain damaged child was on the news, I hope she is ashamed for not saying anything sooner!


Well-Known Member
Indeed. I find it quite unbelievable that something so extreme could go by without being reported. This woman obviously wasn't a girl then judging by how old she looks now.


Well-Known Member
It is a reasonable point.

Can understand the victims keeping quiet. 13 and 14 year old girls who felt shame and probably accepted it as 'normal' at the time, but it seems there were adult witnesses. People who could have nailed this in the bud decades ago.

Peoples silence allowed this filthy despicable sick old git to go through life with a god-like status and he in himself must have felt totally vindicated in all his actions and thought he was untouchable. Especially as he must have known people witnessed some of this incidents and never ever said anything.

One of the worst things here is that he died a 'hero' and was never able to be brought before a court to answer for all his actions.


Well-Known Member
Yep should clarify not the victims themselves. I mean I can t see how he could have instilled fear in witnesses. Hardly Ronnie Kray


Ha! Knew it would come to this. The victims are now preparing to sue the BBC and the NHS. Yes, I'm sure money will help with their grief...somehow.

What these people fail to realise of course is the BBC and NHS is funded by everyone. So we're all paying for it. Perfect.
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Shame they can't tap into Saville's own fortune. Bet he was worth a bob or two.

From what I've heard he gave it all to charity's. Still, doubt it will stop some of them suing us. It's just great. The NHS is already struggling this will just make things worse. Hope the victims know that the NHS also helps kids who have been treated just as badly or worse then them. By taking money from the NHS, they'll damage the funds to help other victims in the future.
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Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
It's all happening at the BBC. After the allegations made against Jimmy Savill, the BBC are investigating the old childrens programme, Vision On.

Apparently, they are concerned that Morph was a playdophile.


New Member
He used to DJ in Coventry.

My mother went back to a house in Canley one night where he was.

She told me how he had 'a heart made by lovebites' on his chest - the result of a group of 16 year olds...


Well-Known Member
Met Rolf Harris today and told him I remembered when he did Two Little Boys in the 70's.

He said "Fuck off, that was Jimmy Saville".


Dear Jim,

Can you fix it for me not to be the least liked person in the uk.

Sincerely yours,
Gary Glitter.


Are 500 people on the bandwagon yet? They need to get one of those things that used to be on Blue Peter to show how much they had raised.

Could these 100's of people who claim they were abused really all have stayed quiet or got ignored?


People are still coming out of the woodwork! Must be a cover up of the century surely?


Well-Known Member
Incredible that this could go on for so long. Seems very apparent now that an awful lot of people knew about this and said nothing.

The real crime here is that Savile must have taken all this knowledge of his misdoings and nowt happening as a green card. He must have felt totally vindicated in his actions because he became untouchable as hardly anyone ever said anything and just turned a blind eye.

There was a chance to humiliate him and strip him of all his awards and recognition while he was alive. The bloke should have had his day in court and I would have liked to see him without that smirk and grin he was famed for.

Think it would have destroyed him .......... and quite rightly so!


Freddie Starr arrested along with Glitter about it now. All 3 of them are a bit weird.


Well-Known Member
Freddie Starr arrested along with Glitter about it now. All 3 of them are a bit weird.

Didn't realise Starr lives in our area.

Wasn't really helping his case being interviewed next to his Fiance who looked like his granddaughter.

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