CCFC Finance Director
I disagree, money generated off the share will help with cost of running club, buying players and will reduce our debts.
I think you, like some on here, are way too vehemently anti-SISU.
cant get income off the share at the moment .............. it is presently illegal under the Companies Act to pay a dividend because ACL do not have accumulated profits from which to pay it. You do not just look at a profit in a particular year to be able to pay a dividend (the only way you get income from a share), you have to look at all the profits and losses held in the reserves. 2011 accounts showed ACL Group had net accumulated losses of over £2m which at current profits (500k pa) means 5 years before a possibility of dividend............. assuming CCFC pay the rent at £1.2m.
This whole thing is not and never has been about getting income for CCFC ............ it is about getting a capital return on the hedge fund investment
getting the shares will not bring any immediate income for players purchase etc ..... nor will it reduce the rent......... as for debt, well that has to go up doesnt it because CCFC has to pay for the shares in the first place
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