Post a song that you think fit this situation we are in. (2 Viewers)

Cobi Jones's Dreads

Well-Known Member
Post a song that you think fits this situation we are in. (The Friday mood radar)

Simple really...... post one song which you believe summarises the state of the club at the moment!


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New Member

Pretend that the lads are the board and Tulisa represents the a weird way it makes sense. The relationship between us and them. You have to read between the lines and try and fit it into CCFC for it to ring true.

Good liar....I get a feeling they are.

Anyway that's my little spin on things :p

Coventry La La La

New Member

The four letter word being "Sisu"

Liam Gallagher :pimp: "Beady Eye"

Darth Robins

Well-Known Member

Seems fitting, except nobody asked us first.


Well-Known Member
Stealers Wheel: Stuck in the middle with you

Well I don't know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling that something ain't right,
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you.

Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you,
And I'm wondering what it is I should do,
It's so hard to keep this smile from my face,
Losing control, yeah, I'm all over the place,
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Well you started out with nothing,
And you're proud that you're a self made man,
And your friends, they all come crawlin,
Slap you on the back and say,
Please.... Please.....

Trying to make some sense of it all,
But I can see that it makes no sense at all,
Is it cool to go to sleep on the floor,
'Cause I don't think that I can take anymore
Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Well you started out with nothing,
And you're proud that you're a self made man,
And your friends, they all come crawlin,
Slap you on the back and say,
Please.... Please.....

Well I don't know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling that something ain't right,
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs,
Clowns to the left of me,
Jokers to the right, here I am,
Stuck in the middle with you,
Yes I'm stuck in the middle with you,
Stuck in the middle with you.


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Cobi Jones's Dreads

Well-Known Member

Pretend that the lads are the board and Tulisa represents the a weird way it makes sense. The relationship between us and them. You have to read between the lines and try and fit it into CCFC for it to ring true.

Good liar....I get a feeling they are.

Anyway that's my little spin on things :p

HAHAHA That's a cracking shout!

Cobi Jones's Dreads

Well-Known Member

Walking Bird

New Member

silly si14

New Member

I think this is fitting as things are goin to get worse before they get any better:mad:


Well-Known Member
Lets all sing together
Play up Sky Blues
Whilst we sing together
We will never lose
Robinson or SISU
Richardson or anyone
They've tried to ruin us
But we'll be here long after they've gone

Cobi Jones's Dreads

Well-Known Member

Think i was the closest with this, anyway i fancy playing the friday Youtube mood radar your thoughts about the club with the power of Youtube! :guitar2:

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
♪♪♫♫♪ "Let's all sing together, Play up Sky Blues. While we sing together, we will never lose! Tottenham or Chelsea, United or anyone, They shan't defeat us, we'll fight till the game is won!" ♫♫♪♪

THAT'S what we should be singing!!!!!!!!!
Not all this doom and bloody gloom!!!

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