I don't think you know what an oligarch is, but that's ok, your opinion still counts.
As does mine, although mine is based on merit and the substance of facts, so maybe a bit more intersting then just labelling someone a loser because you've taken a disliking for whatever reason (seemingly because he's wealthy).
Also, becuase again it's absolute bollocks, which annoys me, he's about as far from being dependent on goverment as you could get having built very successful businesses that compete with goverment in multiple areas (space, infrastucture, energy and communications connectivity) despite all areas being heavily subsidised by goverment money, money he was often denied because the goverment didn't like him (or more accurately his willness to speak out on politcally sensitive topics). Just a bizarre warping of facts honestly.
But hey, keep hating and throwing labels around, some libtards will vote up your ignorant vitriol probably.