Cov city centre (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
A bike lane isn't a viable replacement for cars though.

Like I said if we had decent trams and public transport it would be well worth the short term pain while it was being built.

When you have people saying "use a bike" just shows they clearly aren't in the real world for most scenarios.

It's not for everyone, but it will be suitable for some people. And if it doesn't exist, people can't use it.


Well-Known Member


No the amount of traffic remains the same. Offering alternatives to driving reduces it. More roads = more cars is a fairly well established fact: How Does Roadway Expansion Cause More Traffic? | Blog | Science Museum of Virginia.

I'm still not sure you get it, if you decrease the infrastructure and cause a bottleneck. It causes more traffic.

The only way it will reduce it is if everybody suddenly decides to use a bike and again, it's not really viable for a lot of people.

If the council and whoever want more people in the city centre then they have to decide how they want them to get there. If they want everybody on bikes, fine. What are those people going to do in town once they arrive on their bike? Where are they going to put it so that it isn't stolen?

If there was better public transport, people could leave their cars at home. They aren't all going to suddenly get a bike.


Well-Known Member
Whats this all about? Something planned for the weekend?
We have introduced special powers in Coventry city centre this morning (Fri) following reports of organised antisocial behaviour.


Well-Known Member
Yesterday i noticed to plain clothes officers in a unmarked car at high speed down Longfellow Road . A few hours later i was in the precinct by HMV and they where both walking around . It did seem strange at the time . And sometime you just get a feel for plain clothes cops by there gear . I think there is a lot of selling of hard drugs in the city centre at the moment .


Weird, schools emailing about it too although nobody mentions what the planned violence is?


Well-Known Member
Yesterday i noticed to plain clothes officers in a unmarked car at high speed down Longfellow Road . A few hours later i was in the precinct by HMV and they were both walking around . It did seem strange at the time . And sometime you just get a feel for plain clothes cops by there gear . I think there is a lot of selling of hard drugs in the city centre at the moment .

Isn’t that always illegal? This whole “we’ve got special powers just in the city centre just this weekend” is a bit weird.

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