A lot if it could be psychological. When with us he pushed for his dream as much as he could. Failed at the last hurdle. Left us to pursue his dream of playing in the Prem. A bigger wage came with it. But he loved his time with us. Loved by the supporters and felt like one of us.
Plays a season in the Prem in a side not good enough. Gets beaten most games. About the only player good enough to be there. Read somewhere he got reprimanded for wanting to watch our games with our supporters. It didn't sit well with theirs
Now back in the Championship and being played mainly on the left. Lost the buzz for playing for them. Still tries to win games with them but not 100% with things like lifestyle choices. Has played with slight injuries a few times. Treated like a commodity and not a hero like with us. Heard they put a 35m price on his head. That scared everyone away. So stuck at a club he doesn't exactly want to be with. But he made the choice when he decided to follow his dream.