Ok, let's start with:
Milton Keynes. They're not a football club. They do not have their league place on merit, they stole it from another club. Any apologist for them needs to take a look at themselves, and think how they'd feel if their club was taken from them.
Now on to actual proper football clubs:
Rangers. I get that most Rangers fans are just normal people supporting their team, *but*, it's a club steeped in bigotry, and go to Glasgow or Belfast and see those tuneless Orange cunts, with the drums and their flutes and their Protestant triumphalism, and ask them who they support, and every one will give you the same answer. This still sticks to them. They're also the second team of choice for English wankers.
Paris Saint-Germain. Sports washing for an iliberal regime, and also, as a club, plastic. They were formed in 1970s because a load of businessmen decided that Paris should have a top team. So they merged some smaller ones. They can get in the sea.
Sheffield Wednesday. This is new, and mainly based on the events of last season. It wasn't one idiot making monkey noises, it was a significant minority of them victim-blaming afterwards. I don't care if he was winding you up, you don't offer excuses for racism. Too many of them did that for me to think anything but ill of them.
I'm torn on Wrexham. I always liked them; they're a small club that has always had a dedicated hardcore of support (4-5k when non-League also rans is decent), and are the only representative of their geographical region. They really are insufferable now, though, a plastic bankrolled FC Disney. Apparently chucking money at it makes it a fairy tale when those doing the chucking have been in shit superhero films. I guess that's what bothers me rather than the club or their fans, or even the bankrolling; that it's painted as a fairy tale. It isn't; it's bank-rolling and steamrollering clubs with a fraction of your budget.