Who else uses the Ricoh (9 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I live a 9 hour round trip away from Cov, and my work pattern means that for most of the season I'm one of those saddo's who is restricted to listening to the commentary on Sky Blue Player and following the comments on here. As a result, I'm not up to speed about what else goes on at the Ricoh to generate revenue there.

There's a lot been said about the rights and wrongs concerning the level of rent for CCFC with only the income from the games to pay the bills, not even the hot dog sales to top it up. Yet other clubs can rent their stadiums and also get additional revenue from non-footie sources.

I've seen figures that suggest that our rent, even at over a million a year is only a small proportion of the turnover from the stadium, so what else is it used for that generates such a wad of cash?


New Member
Ben, think the original guff written about the Ricoh while it was being built, was that it would be a real part of the community. A club and stadium for the fans. Far as I can see it is anything but that. There was talk of all kinds of things being based there to bring in the public, does the gym even exist now, what happened to the club museum? There is a bit of land coming from car park C, lain empty since day one. Land not doing anything, why not install all weather surfaces there and hire it out? They do just that at 'liitle' Shrewsbury and get some income from it. The place is bleak and poorly designed. Food outlets are hopeless, toilets totally inadequate and pretty disgusting. I'm sure they aren't the same on the prawn sandwich stand. The ground is already starting to look very tired. The council tout it as as great venue but it is far from that.


Well-Known Member
Ben, think the original guff written about the Ricoh while it was being built, was that it would be a real part of the community. A club and stadium for the fans. Far as I can see it is anything but that. There was talk of all kinds of things being based there to bring in the public, does the gym even exist now, what happened to the club museum? There is a bit of land coming from car park C, lain empty since day one. Land not doing anything, why not install all weather surfaces there and hire it out? They do just that at 'liitle' Shrewsbury and get some income from it. The place is bleak and poorly designed. Food outlets are hopeless, toilets totally inadequate and pretty disgusting. I'm sure they aren't the same on the prawn sandwich stand. The ground is already starting to look very tired. The council tout it as as great venue but it is far from that.

Correct, very poor design, badly conceived and executed.
The club shop should be in the concourse.........alongside other facilities.....such as an exhibition space, cafe, etc.


Well-Known Member
mate of mine (who doesnt support Cov) went for teh 1st time to the Ricoh during the Olympics

He was raving about the place
I live a 9 hour round trip away from Cov, and my work pattern means that for most of the season I'm one of those saddo's who is restricted to listening to the commentary on Sky Blue Player and following the comments on here. As a result, I'm not up to speed about what else goes on at the Ricoh to generate revenue there.

There's a lot been said about the rights and wrongs concerning the level of rent for CCFC with only the income from the games to pay the bills, not even the hot dog sales to top it up. Yet other clubs can rent their stadiums and also get additional revenue from non-footie sources.

I've seen figures that suggest that our rent, even at over a million a year is only a small proportion of the turnover from the stadium, so what else is it used for that generates such a wad of cash?

concerts both stadium and arena
casino with tribute bands and event nights
exhibitions in jaguar hall
function rooms for parties weddings etc
rugby matches
international football has been there

could do with a family pub (wetherpoons or such like)


Well-Known Member
I like the club shop/ticket office where it is, particularly for matchdays as you'd be funneling people inside and it'd get a bit of a mess.

The gym that was there went out of business I believe.


Well-Known Member
They have wedding fairs on, don't they? I wonder if the organisers get charged over a million pounds?


Well-Known Member
I like the club shop/ticket office where it is, particularly for matchdays as you'd be funneling people inside and it'd get a bit of a mess.

The gym that was there went out of business I believe.

"It'd get a bit of a mess":thinking about:

Isn't that the point about good design.
Perhaps if more people got into the habit of using the concourse the gym wouldn't have gone out of business.:wave:
My only experience of using it has been told by a goon in orange to get out.:facepalm:


Well-Known Member
The gym was external too from what I remember, just a door on the outside facing one of the car parks.

If it was all designed for the club shop to be indoors I'm sure it'd be fine, but as it is it all seems a bit out of bounds. If you had everything there like a little retail hub it'd be a lot more welcoming, I didn't even know there was a Costa there until recently.


Well-Known Member
If you had everything there like a little retail hub it'd be a lot more welcoming,

Exactly......and then there's something for everyone.....a welcoming atmosphere if cultivated would benefit everyone.:facepalm:
Not rocket science.
Ben, think the original guff written about the Ricoh while it was being built, was that it would be a real part of the community. A club and stadium for the fans. Far as I can see it is anything but that. There was talk of all kinds of things being based there to bring in the public, does the gym even exist now, what happened to the club museum? There is a bit of land coming from car park C, lain empty since day one. Land not doing anything, why not install all weather surfaces there and hire it out? They do just that at 'liitle' Shrewsbury and get some income from it. The place is bleak and poorly designed. Food outlets are hopeless, toilets totally inadequate and pretty disgusting. I'm sure they aren't the same on the prawn sandwich stand. The ground is already starting to look very tired. The council tout it as as great venue but it is far from that.

You obviously didn't visit Stevenage then?

On the whole I believe the Ricoh to be a great stadium, albeit lacking atmosphere due to lack of fans attending, compared to other grounds I've visited this season with the only exception of Milton Keynes.

Jack Griffin

Well they have booked Springsteen & Muse for this summer, also ageing 2 Tone band The Selecter is on in the conourse sometime.

In January there are 2 wedding shows and in Febuary there is a DIY show, a Plant Hire show and a Carp Fishing show.. not exactly glamourous, but bread & butter to ACL..

It is all here.. http://www.ricoharena.com/


New Member
Skybluespud, I sat in the Stevenage main stand and about five yards from the dug out, could hear pretty well everything from the City bench. I go to most away games. And have done for decades. And yes, used the toilets, twice. The point I'm making is - and following on from Ben - the council tout the Ricoh as brilliant, it isn't. Poorly maintained. Shoddy, under utilised. Land and space wasted. No hot water in toilets - and in mid winter too. Always crowds for toilets, with attendances on 10,000 too. It all shows a lack of respect for football fans.
Skybluespud, I sat in the Stevenage main stand and about five yards from the dug out, could hear pretty well everything from the City bench. I go to most away games. And have done for decades. And yes, used the toilets, twice. The point I'm making is - and following on from Ben - the council tout the Ricoh as brilliant, it isn't. Poorly maintained. Shoddy, under utilised. Land and space wasted. No hot water in toilets - and in mid winter too. Always crowds for toilets, with attendances on 10,000 too. It all shows a lack of respect for football fans.

Snoz, the point I was making was that the vast majority of grounds in this league are totally substandard. Stevenage for example have the audacity to charge the same price as the Ricoh where the toilet facilities are so substandard that you have to wade ankle deep in urine at half time. Obviously you may not have experienced it if you were sitting with the prawn sandwich brigade behind the dugout.
I happen to be proud of our stadium and believe it to be the best in the league which can be evidenced by the general view of most visiting supporters.
Now if you were to be talking about accessibility such as car parking costs and lack of a railway station I would agree it is sadly lacking.
I live a 9 hour round trip away from Cov, and my work pattern means that for most of the season I'm one of those saddo's who is restricted to listening to the commentary on Sky Blue Player and following the comments on here. As a result, I'm not up to speed about what else goes on at the Ricoh to generate revenue there.

There's a lot been said about the rights and wrongs concerning the level of rent for CCFC with only the income from the games to pay the bills, not even the hot dog sales to top it up. Yet other clubs can rent their stadiums and also get additional revenue from non-footie sources.

I've seen figures that suggest that our rent, even at over a million a year is only a small proportion of the turnover from the stadium, so what else is it used for that generates such a wad of cash?

Snoz, the point I was making was that the vast majority of grounds in this league are totally substandard. Stevenage for example have the audacity to charge the same price as the Ricoh where the toilet facilities are so substandard that you have to wade ankle deep in urine at half time. Obviously you may not have experienced it if you were sitting with the prawn sandwich brigade behind the dugout.
I happen to be proud of our stadium and believe it to be the best in the league which can be evidenced by the general view of most visiting supporters.
Now if you were to be talking about accessibility such as car parking costs and lack of a railway station I would agree it is sadly lacking.

Train station being built at Ricoh this year


Well-Known Member
So what DOES make up the other 80% of ACLs income then? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Exhibitions - public and trade
Live events
Sporting events

The Ricoh is one of the top 5 venues in the UK for the above. It's also part of the AEO, association of event venues.

Remind me - what is it you do there again?


Well-Known Member
The gym was external too from what I remember, just a door on the outside facing one of the car parks.

If it was all designed for the club shop to be indoors I'm sure it'd be fine, but as it is it all seems a bit out of bounds. If you had everything there like a little retail hub it'd be a lot more welcoming, I didn't even know there was a Costa there until recently.
The costa is great just don't expect to get served normally only one person serving average time per customer 3 minutes ... How much money are they missing out on

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