Oscar Pistorius (3 Viewers)


Is this one of the reasons that people shouldn't have guns, especially next to them in bed?

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Not released the full story yet but it doesn't look good for him eh?


Well-Known Member
The general theory appears to be that his girlfriend tried to surprise him for Valentine's and he shot her after mistaking her for a burglar. Surely even with burglars you give yourself a second to identify them.


Well-Known Member
Yep. And you don't shoot them 4 times to make sure.

Maybe she brought him Black Magic and he prefers Milk Tray.

His story does seem a little odd. But hey, maybe it's the truth. Who knows.


It said it was between 4-5am. Who wakes somebody up for a valentines surprise then? What was the surprise? ;)


Well-Known Member
The police spokesman has said they were 'surprised' by the initial story of him mistaking her for a burglar, and it's a murder charge. There were reports of shouting from the address earlier in the evening and the police have investigated domestic incidents there before. Wow.

(note: there are no puns in the above)


New Member
"He is a bit emotional, but is ok" thank god for that I was worried he was going to do something silly!

Hugh Jarse

Well-Known Member
Oscar Pistorious is the Blade Gunner.

That's what happens when you shoot someone when you're legless!!

All jokes aside, things look very bleak for him. Police say they had received previous reports of a "Domestic" nature hours previously, neighbours coming forward to say that this isn't the first time they have heard stuff like this.

Think he's going down big time!!


Well-Known Member
It doesn't sound good for him at all. Another scenario is (assuming he's innocent of deliberately doing it) they heard sounds, thought it was an intruder, (this might sound crude, but I'm not trying to be) he didn't have his legs on so she decides to take a look around, lights weren't on and there's confusion. It's just another scenario. In all honesty, it sounds like he's done something terrible after a big argument. Truth will come out soon. Tragic story though.

Flying Fokker

Well-Known Member
He was just practising starts.

Wrong gift on valentine's day, a bunch of roses would have worked better IMO.


I'm sure there's a Bullet for my Valentine joke in there somewhere..


Well-Known Member
This seems unfortunate.

So does this...



New Member
It has been suggested that some drugs do make one paranoid. :whistle:


Well-Known Member
Annoys me when I keep hearing that South Africa have 'very strict' gun laws. Ok they might have rules etc and prop more than America, but surely they aren't very strict, very strict in my book means virtually nobody can have a gun.


Well-Known Member
goes to show that money talks, I cannot believe it was a four (or fie) day hearing just for his bail!!!


Well-Known Member
It looks like he'll get off the premeditated murder charges.

Does anyone know what the likely sentence will be for just manslaughter charges?

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Granted Bail. He will no doubt get let off with it.

I reckon they could always electronically ankle-tag him. They'd know where he was at all times then, wouldn't they? :whistle:

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