One for OSB (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
If SISU don't agree the deal

Is there anyway ACL could break SISU like
SISU were trying to do to ACL in the first place?


Well-Known Member
I wonder who is calling the shots for the council/ACL now.
It seems to be someone who thinks like SISU

Remember SISU have been preparing for this for over a year.

The council all of a sudden seem to be learning fast


Well-Known Member
Neh. SISU were 'appearing' to distress ACL, and thereby capitalising to the detriment of the weakened party. SISU are too diverse by investment to be troubled in the same way; even if ACL had the inclination to do so.

Honestly speaking, I wouldn't want that anyway, as the club would be harmed by such. I just hope now that ACL have covered off all legitimate wriggle-room, SISU start to negotiate candidly and realistically in order to cease this pantomime

Jack Griffin

The council aren't naive Don, they know exactly what they are doing.

Not naive , but I wouldn't be prepared to guarantee their expertise.
However the ACL bord have some experienced looking people in it & they are driving this.


Well-Known Member
Neh. SISU were 'appearing' to distress ACL, and thereby capitalising to the detriment of the weakened party. SISU are too diverse by investment to be troubled in the same way; even if ACL had the inclination to do so.

Honestly speaking, I wouldn't want that anyway, as the club would be harmed by such. I just hope now that ACL have covered off all legitimate wriggle-room, SISU start to negotiate candidly and realistically in order to cease this pantomime

No I don't think it would be ideal

However would they be tempted baring in mind SISU tried to destroy them.


Well-Known Member
SISU? Where did that information come from?

Jon M Huntsman is on the board of SISU. Lists his interest as this business, the results of which being on their site:

Not so shabby. Equally, if he's that smart, he'll know when to step away from a wrong 'un. Which we evidently are


CCFC Finance Director
If SISU don't agree the deal

Is there anyway ACL could break SISU like
SISU were trying to do to ACL in the first place?

I do not see how they could ........ SISU dont have much financial risk directly in this, they are only agents. Might have some unhappy clients but that depends how the rest of their investments are doing that are dealt with by SISU

The only casualty is likely to be CCFC............ even then I suspect SISU have something up their sleeve....... what that is i do not know

so no Don I dont think ACL could break SISU or would even ever look to do that


Well-Known Member
I do not see how they could ........ SISU dont have much financial risk directly in this, they are only agents. Might have some unhappy clients but that depends how the rest of their investments are doing that are dealt with by SISU

The only casualty is likely to be CCFC............ even then I suspect SISU have something up their sleeve....... what that is i do not know

so no Don I dont think ACL could break SISU or would even ever look to do that

OSB is right - ACL cannot break sisu, so those who dream of seeing sisu take a direct hit can wake up now. Half a year ago both ACL and the club could end up dead, but since the council took over the mortgage ACL is secured at least short term, but still depends on having the club bringing business to everyone at the Ricoh. Today the only possible casulty is the club. Please remember this!

What can sisu have up their sleeve?
Well, I said this long ago:
Maybe sisu have written off the debts to their clients and issued shares as compensation. As those shares will have no real value sisu could have gotten a part of the equity for free - maybe even all of it???
Recently sisu have been referred to as 'the owner' and that could suggest sisu now hold shares and no longer is merely an agent for other investors.

On the bright side that would mean sisu have a personal interest in settling the rent and continue their work to make the club financial sustainable.
It would also mean that the latest move from ACL freezing the bank accounts has only little effect (beside being slightly annoying) as sisu can decide to use own money to pay the bills and wages. They won't have to ask clients or bring in new investors to get access to more cash.

On the dark side that would mean sisu no longer fight for their reputation among their client base. It would also mean that liquidating the club is solely their decision.

The latest club statement calls for a mediator. That's another thing I have been saying long ago. So of course I think this is a smart move. If ACL refuses to let in a mediator, they will be seen as those who blocks a fair settlement.

One last thing - stop thinking everyone involved is either stupid or naive. Neither ACL nor sisu are. Everyone involved knows their own business and most of the other parts.

Mr T - Sukka!

Active Member
Oldskyblue58, Enjoy reading your well thought out and well constructed posts and i have a few questions for you if you could help?

What is the current state of CCFC finances at the moment do you know? I have rasied a couple of points below.

1) We last heard they were losing 500k per month when Ken Delieu was around. Now alot of time has passed since then. Any ideas what we are losing per month now Feb 2013?

2) Since 500k was banded about the high earners have been taken out of the team Eastwood, Keough, Crainie basically Championship wages. Now we pay leauge 1 wages?

3) Now we are in leauge 1 with a few good cup runs this season which must have generated a bit of £ (Spurs, Arsenal, Crewe full house etc).

4) We are not paying rent 100k per month and havent been for a year now.

So surely taking all this on board CCFC musnt be losing that much anymore? Any ideas?
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None of the debts are against SISU they hide behind CCFC so they will walk away with no pain except for the monies they have allegedly invested.


Well-Known Member
They do now

However a year ago they seemed very slow to react. The last couple of months they have been a different animal.

Always in the front foot.
do you honestly believe that SISU have not prepared for this.? SISU are long game players ACL are starting to thrash out now because its getting close to the wire and SISU are still not backing down. It's very close now that ACL will put CCFC out of business and in turn ACL will struggle to justify their existence. I believe the only way out of this is if ACL is put up for sale and a new investor takes the stadium off the council hands else the council will have to stand up in front of parliament to explain why they are trying to run a profit making concern using tax payers money which is against the constitution


CCFC Finance Director
Oldskyblue58, Enjoy reading your well thought out and well constructed posts and i have a few questions for you if you could help?

What is the current state of CCFC finances at the moment do you know? I have rasied a couple of points below.

1) We last heard they were losing 500k per month when Ken Delieu was around. Now alot of time has passed since then. Any ideas what we are losing per month now Feb 2013?

2) Since 500k was banded about the high earners have been taken out of the team Eastwood, Keough, Crainie basically Championship wages. Now we pay leauge 1 wages?

3) Now we are in leauge 1 with a few good cup runs this season which must have generated a bit of £ (Spurs, Arsenal, Crewe full house etc).

4) We are not paying rent 100k per month and havent been for a year now.

So surely taking all this on board CCFC musnt be losing that much anymore? Any ideas?

Honest answer is I do not know there is no information to go on. A guess would be that in the current foinancial year we are pushing towards breakeven but still making a loss. Factor in the sales of Keogh and Bigi, the receipts from the cup runs including Arsenal and Spurs, the reduction in costs etc. I would guess we are better than we were which is a good thing but if we dont go up even with a nil rent I reckon we are budgetting for losses next year (cant guarantee cup runs or major player sales and crowds may well be down)


Well-Known Member
I do not see how they could ........ SISU dont have much financial risk directly in this, they are only agents. Might have some unhappy clients but that depends how the rest of their investments are doing that are dealt with by SISU

The only casualty is likely to be CCFC............ even then I suspect SISU have something up their sleeve....... what that is i do not know

so no Don I dont think ACL could break SISU or would even ever look to do that

Thanks OSB

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