F..... it might as well express it all (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member

When they took over Coventry. They knew the past they knew the debts. The knew the situation with the stadium. The knew the cost of the rent.

They knew all of this weighed it up and said. We can take Coventry into the premiership in three years.
We will get Coventry to own their own stadium again.

That was their two public mission statements.
Privately they would have of course had profit based mission statements.

If you are to truly judge SISU's performance to date.

You have to judge them from this point and on the basis of their mission statements. Not someone else's past.

They come in and personally I think originally seemed end to have a plan.
Buy young emerging talent and develop them. If you get big money for them, sell them but replace them.

Fine. Coleman turned out to be a mistake I don't blame them regarding that.

Then it just seemed to change once they employed AB.

Not my type of manager but I can see why they tried him.

They backed him a little bit. Enough to be able to stay in the championship.

Then they employed AT. It's seems from this point onwards there was very minimal backing. 2 goalkeepers and a striker.

I am not sure at this stage what SISU's strategy was.

What was their aim, just to stay in the championship?

Then came January we sold our top scorer at the time. To me that is a statement that you are prepared to be relegated.

They stopped paying the rent.

So we are now heading towards league one and we are beginning to upset the two parties we need to do business with regarding the stadium.

In between there was talk of a takeover and talk that Ken was briefing against it. The takeover never even got discussed formally (not sure if this one is SISU's or Hoff's fault)

Then we get relegated

SISU start to win me over

We have made mistakes
You have to adequately replace players when you let them go
Andy Thorn is centre of our plans
We need stability
You can't keep sacking managers we have had 12 in 11 years.
Then they start signing players, albeit free transfers and loanees, that is where we are at, I can't really expect anymore.
They start talks on buying half of the stadium.

What more can I ask, they want stability. They are signing players. They are trying to buy half the stadium.

Our club finally has a future. Genuinely I started to slightly trust them again.

Then 3 league games in they sack the manager.
We don't have the stability they are talking about. We lose 5 matches on the bounce.

I am annoyed by this I lose a little bit of trust in them.

Then they sign MR back him with a few loanees. We start get results. I am not sure if I trust them or not.

Then we have all the stuff about the rent and moving to Hinkley winding up orders. We look like a bunch of parts in the media.

Poor little Coventry can't pay the rent. Going to be homeless soon.

I start to get very annoyed with them, especially when Tim says it is not that we can't afford the rent. We just won't pay it as it is too high.

Then a compromise is suggested I think thank god.

Lets get this sorted and get on with promotion.

It then becomes clear it was about forcing ACL into liquidation and getting half the stadium in the cheap.

My trust in them by this stage has completely gone again.

We now are two divisions away from the premiership and the council and the Higgs trust will not do business with us in a month of Sundays.

This is why when people suggest there is no loyalty in football and MR should be more loyal to his bosses SISU.

I can't agree.

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Well-Known Member
Mark Robins has had more backing than probably the last 2 managers in terms of backroon staff and the playing team

He had royally screwed us over an would have regardleas of other circumstances and I suspect he will do the same to Huddersfield if he does well there


New Member
Its all a bit more complicated than that but in short they have failed in their own goals and failed the club. We are now seen as an easy target for clubs to come and take what they want. The financial crisis destroyed their money supply no doubt and Ranson their chief advisor turned out to be only interested in lining his own pockets. I don't think they did their due diligence very well either and to a large extent were sold a bit of a dummy. All that said they have made some awful mistakes and as a business and as a football club we have gone backwards not forwards. I suspect SISU and their investors are more pissed off about this than anyone.


Well-Known Member
To be fair i agree with alot of this but you do fail to mention that there was also a huge global financial crisis that hit SISU just after buying the club which entailed them to relook at what they were trying to achieve (which we would never know).

There is talk of a wind up order coming through imminantly and this is why MR left, who knows? Probable outcome was that his head was turned by more money.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Thing is Don that Robins was extremely aware of the above when he signed, and spoke with Seppalla before joining-he would've known full well what he was getting into. Equally, if there was a release clause inserted into his contract then we also knew what we were getting into-to be used as a stepping stone in his career when a bigger or better job became available.

We knew the risks and so did he.


Well-Known Member
Thing is Don that Robins was extremely aware of the above when he signed, and spoke with Seppalla before joining-he would've known full well what he was getting into. Equally, if there was a release clause inserted into his contract then we also knew what we were getting into-to be used as a stepping stone in his career when a bigger or better job became available.

We knew the risks and so did he.

I agree fully. So I don't think there is much point having a pop at him. We would get rid of him like a rag doll if it suited.


Well-Known Member
I haven't from the beginning hated SISU.

I was pleased when they took over. I liked their plan.

I stayed open minded.

I became ver disillusioned with their actions last year.

Over the summer I started to give them a chance again.

But their behaviour over the whole rent thing and sacking a manager after 3 games.

Now I am back in the mis trust camp.
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Well-Known Member
More to do with the rent issue this season and sacking a manager three games after you stated that you have to stop sacking managers, you were going to back him and stability is key.

I think if Robins believed he could achieve the same with city under these owners as he could with Huddersfield he would have stayed.

Also I think people like Huddersfield think they can steal our manager as SISU are making the world think we are in the verge of a financial melt down. This perception suits their rent row but has wider implications on our ability to attract talent and more importantly keep it.

I think Robins has done well, but this squad is just doing what a squad of its calibre in this league should do.

I think robins was seen out there as a miracle worker as despite this financial melt down we are in, he took the team from the relegation zone to 3 points off the play offs.

Yet the same people that are creating the perception that we are in a financial melt down.

On the other hand are saying they are not skint they can build a 30 million pound stadium. So the perception that others have of us isn't even necessary, thus annoys me more!
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Well-Known Member
More to do with the rent issue this season and sacking a manager three games after you stated that you have to stop sacking managers, you were going to back him and stability is key.

I think if Robins believed he could achieve the same with city under these owners as he could with Huddersfield he would have stayed.

Also I think people like Huddersfield think they can steal our manager as SISU are making the world think we are in the verge of a financial melt down. This perception suits their rent row but has wider implications on our ability to attract talent and more importantly keep it.

I think Robins has done well, but this squad is just doing what a squad of its calibre in this league should do.

I think robins was seen out there as a miracle worker as despite this financial melt down we are in he took the team from the relegation zone to 3 points off the play offs.

He has just said the club are fine the board are fine and the council need to support the club far more than they do.


Well-Known Member

"The ACL board will not resume talks until such time as CCFC and Sisu confirm in writing their acceptance of a Heads of Terms Agreement laid out in writing by ACL on 29 January. This agreement was discussed point by point in a series of meetings between the board and the three club directors and agreed verbally by all parties.

"The club directors, however, then proceeded to renege on this agreement. This is wholly unacceptable to the Board of ACL.


Well-Known Member
Definitely well and truly no longer trust SISU

Will carry on supporting CCFC

and just have to take it on the chin that I cannot believe a word that the owners of my football club say.

What a shame and a not very nice situation to find yourself in.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
I haven't from the beginning hated SISU.

I was pleased when they took over. I liked their plan.

Are your serious?

How can you have been happy at the prospect of us being taken over by a hedge fund who had failed to buy numerous previous clubs?

It makes me laugh how a lot of fans were laughing at Soton for turning down sisu and say how lucky we were to have astute owners.

We made our own bed, so we have what we deserve with them. There is no one else out there waiting to buy us and at the moment they are our only hope for the future of our club. They certainly arent the best owners but they have balls and are sticking up for the club and not letting us be exploited.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Definitely well and truly no longer trust SISU

Will carry on supporting CCFC

and just have to take it on the chin that I cannot believe a word that the owners of my football club say.

What a shame and a not very nice situation to find yourself in.

I forget that our previous owners were some of the best and completely trustworthy!

Pete in Portugal

Well-Known Member
That's more or less how I see it too Dongs. Your description of how your trust in SISU has ebbed and flowed, mirrors the changes I experienced. And for exactly the same reasons you gave.

I think Ashdown and Stu made valid points too. There's no doubt that the global financial crisis had a significant adverse impact on SISU and this, together perhaps with their realisation that Ranson was not always acting in their interests, resulted in them having to abandon their original plans.

That's when things started to go really pear shaped. In my opinion, their new plan, (if there was one!), was seriously flawed from the outset and we all know that the new people they recruited to run the club made some horrendously poor decisions.

Right now, I think SISU, (and therefore our football club), are between a rock and a hard place. Perhaps too late they appear to have realised that their hardball tactics in their negotiations with ACL are working against them and are now calling for the appointment of a mediator. Personally, I have long held the view that this is the way forward. But SISU and TF will need to bear in mind that the mediator must be acceptable to ACL, Higgs and the Council if this is to have a chance of success. For various reasons, Deloittes may not be their first choice!


henry the wasp

Well-Known Member
Are your serious?

How can you have been happy at the prospect of us being taken over by a hedge fund who had failed to buy numerous previous clubs?

It makes me laugh how a lot of fans were laughing at Soton for turning down sisu and say how lucky we were to have astute owners.

We made our own bed, so we have what we deserve with them. There is no one else out there waiting to buy us and at the moment they are our only hope for the future of our club. They certainly arent the best owners but they have balls and are sticking up for the club and not letting us be exploited.

"we made our own bed, so we have what we deserve with them".

So a bit like sisu with the original rent agreement then.

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