How many directors have we gone through since Sisu arrived?
when will Waggott start the interview process for his replacement then ?
OSB: Would Clarke have had any personal financial liabilities if it all went belly up?
If so, might that be why he has quit? or is that just ill informed nonsense/guess work on my part?
Apparently krusty the clown is taking over from John Clarke
OSB: Would Clarke have had any personal financial liabilities if it all went belly up?
If so, might that be why he has quit? or is that just ill informed nonsense/guess work on my part?
The question is what do Fisher and Seppala want to do now. Clarke has stuck with them through the lies, through Dulieu, through the rent fiasco, through Seppala pulling the strings, through the alleged insolvent trading: through all that. Why go now? what did Seppala want now?
did Seppala want now?
So does that leave just three directors in Tim Fisher, Mark Labovitch, and Steve Waggot?
Or have I forgot someone?
directors CCFC = TF
Directors CCFC H = TF Clarke & Labovitch
SBS&L = TF & Labovitch
Bazza cynic.
when will Waggott start the interview process for his replacement then ?
Apparently we're down to a shortlist of four - Bryan Richardson, Mike McGinnity, Geoffrey Robinson and Ken Dulieu
Apparently we're down to a shortlist of four - Bryan Richardson, Mike McGinnity, Geoffrey Robinson and Ken Dulieu
Wot no Brody?