Osama go bye bye :) (3 Viewers)


New Member
Jordan Clarke has said on his twitter page that he doesn't believe the news - lol.

I think this is a good thing long-term. People might be pissed off at first and after revenge, but in the long run it's an influential leader gone. Apparently this al-Zawahiri guy, the next bloke in line, isn't as widely liked or inspiring. We all saw what happened when Rafa Benitez took over from Jose Mourinho at Inter Milan.


Well-Known Member
such is war, so then we hit them harder, and so on, ad infinitum. Cheered me up no end. He'll be gutted when there isn't a gang of virgins waiting for him and just some bloke sticking a poker up his jacksie:)

Coventry La La La

New Member
About time! Can't believe how long it has taken also would have preferred it if he was brought to justice so he could be tortured for information.


New Member
he got a couple of chopper gunners but they didn't have a very good map, there was an EMP and ended up crashing into two buildings :S


New Member
Osama bin laden and his son have been killed by american forces. brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "take the bins out"


Well-Known Member
It's a nice moment for those directly affected by 9/11 and so on, but it changes little really. It's not as if Al-Qaeda and the many affiliates will disband now.


Well-Known Member
No they could have just turned him into a martyr at opens it up to another 9/11, 7/7 attack!!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure we're particularly at any more or less risk of attack to be honest, such threats have always existed and probably always will.

Cov City Daytrader 87

Well-Known Member
About time! Can't believe how long it has taken also would have preferred it if he was brought to justice so he could be tortured for information.

I heard in the news (and I could be wrong) that the Pakistan government weren't informed about the attack. I get the feeling if they informed then someone of tipped it off to Osama Bin Laden, which may explain why it has taken this long to either catch or kill him.

Also the guy would rather die than be caught alive to face trial.
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New Member
I love how JohnThor compared it to Mourinho leaving Inter!


New Member
but if he was taken through courts that would cost the us millions easier to just put a bullet through his head

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
He's been dead for years....

I can't honestly say I believe everything we are told re: 9/11 and the resulting 'wars on terror'.
I guess we must just hope it's all in our interest by those we trust? Hmm


New Member
We'll be playing it on the CoD release....

New maps today.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
Can you honestly say you are being told the truth without any reasonable doubt?
Would not this vile most wanted man of all time require evidential proof that they got him?
There can be no offence in seeing this dirt bag in a dead photo pose surely?
They dumped him in the ocean and tell us he was at this compound when we had our best looking for him for 10 years?
I'm sorry something here is not right. He needed so much medical treatment if he was still alive how the hell can no one know he was there?
I still believe he was dead years ago. If you have a theory then lets hear it.........


Well-Known Member
When Osama died, the US president would get a boost. If he were dead years ago, that would mean a Republican cabinet has stepped aside and allowed a Democrat president to now get the kudos. That would be the most unlikely scenario of all for me.

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