According to my understanding of what went on in the court, the judge - after ACL withdrew their suit for administration - agreed that CCFC Ltd were already in liquidation. The judge further agreed that ACL and the administrator had 6 weeks to make their findings and return to court where the judge would make whatever determinations concerning just who and what is actually involved, who owns what and who, besides CCFC Ltd may or may not also be in administration.
The Football League believe that the golden share is with CCFC Ltd, which per the judge is in liquidation, hence the 10 points deduction. SISU/CCFC Holdings, who claim that all assets apart from the rental contract with ACL are with CCFC Holdings and not in CCFC Ltd., are apparantly appealing this decision.
And apparently, the Football League are continuing to investigate the claims of SISU/CCFC Holdings concerning how and when SISU transferred the share and player contracts and all other assets from Ltd to Holdings without them being informed or knowing about it.
So without making assumptions as to the activities of SISU and whether they are/were legal in accordance with both the laws of the land and the laws of the Football League, as well as the laws of the Football Association (who are also involved as they I believe also issue a share to each club to play in the cup competition):
- We will be back in court the second week of May, and until then we have no idea whether or not the actions of SISU will result in the judge declaring that more SISU-owned companies will join CCFC Ltd in administration.
- I assume that the Administrator, irrespective of whatever claims SISU may make, will similarly be in the dark until they return to court in May.
-The Football League (and the FA) will, I assume, not take further action until the judge has been provided with (hopefully) full information, at which time they also will then have better and fuller information on which to judge whether SISU have breached their rules and decide what penalties, if any, our club should suffer in addition to the 10 points already deducted.
In my opinion (and it is only an opinion with no other information than that generally available) it is rather unlikely that any appeal will get the 10 point deduction revoked this season. The FL made it clear that according to their records, the share resides with Ltd. The last audited accounts of Ltd. also made this clear.
My understanding is also that the share had better be with Ltd., because if Fisher does manage to prove that the share is in Holding and not Ltd., then he has breached the FL rules and much more than 10 points are liable to be deducted.
The problem I have with the appeal is that the 10 point deduction either stands, or Fisher proves that the share is in Holdings and we are in even more trouble. I cannot see this appeal as anything but a lose/lose proposition. If anyone has a better understanding of how the appeal might result in no points being deducted at all, I would be most pleased to hear them.
Fisher has additionally clearly stated several times that the players contracts are in Holding. This may or may not be the case. Fisher also clearly stated that the golden share was in Holdings, but the Football League equally clearly believe the golden share is in Ltd.
Let us assume that Fisher is correct and the contracts are in Holdings, then we have two potential scenarios at least:
-Football league rules state that the share and the players contracts must be in the same entity. If Fisher is correct that the players contracts are in Holdings and the FL determines that as far as they are concerned the share is in Ltd., then all of the players have been playing illegally since whatever date SISU/Fisher transferred the contracts from Ltd. to Holdings. We would then be in deep trouble.
-Similarly, if Fisher can prove that he and SISU did indeed move both the share and the players contracts to Holdings at some time between the last audited statements submitted in June? and the date of administration in March, then we are equally in deep trouble with the FL because SISU/Fisher did this without the knowledge or approval of the FL.
Please understand that I am not trying to apportion blame or take sides here. I am just trying to understand where we are and what the potential consequences might be.
My conclusion, however, is that - based on the information above - we are in deep trouble with the football league no matter what is determined with reference to the share and player contracts, unless the share and the contracts are in reality all still in Ltd., in which case we would have been lied to by Fisher/SISU concerning the true position.
Reference returning to the courts in May, I find it hard to see how the judge could not determine that Holdings - who according to Fisher/SISU hold the player contracts and golden share - is inextricably linked with CCFC Ltd. in the operations of the football club, and that therefore the judge must determine that CCFC Holdings is also in liquidation.
Again, the only way I can see that the judge would not determine this would again be if we have been lied to and in reality the share and the contracts are still with Ltd.
So to conclude this rather long post, I think either we have been badly lied to by SISU/Fisher, or we are in deep trouble with both the courts and with the Football League, and the only good thing is that this season will be over before we find out what our future - if any - might be.
Happy Easter