The F A have I believe stated that is where they believe the share to be. This is not binding in law.
We don't know. There may be evidence supplied by holdings that the share was transferred to them which needs to be analysed as does the whole relationship between these organisations
May take a long time but the administrator is appointed as a legal representative by the high court. He must be impartial.
I hope he is indeed impartial because if he turns out to favour SISU we are truly in a mess for a long time to come.
I agree that we have not been shown concrete evidence in the form of a signed letter, but surely the circumstantial evidence is convincing as to where the golden share is?
We were deducted 10 points because the Football League believe the share to be with CCFC Ltd., which therefore earned the 10 point deduction for entering administration. SISU withdrew their appeal at the last moment, which indicates that they have accepted that the share is with Ltd.
Bob Ainsworth states that the Football League confirmed to him that the share is in Ltd.
The Football Association would appear to have stated that the share is in Ltd to the AEH upon request.
Reference the FA's belief not being binding in law:
Who's law? The law of the land or the rules and regulations of the Football League and the Football Association? If the FA and/or the FL deem CCFC to have contravened their rules and regulations, the law of the land is irrelevant to the punishments that they can make, up to and including withdrawal of the golden share and expulsion from the league. The law of the land has nothing to say on such matters.
Reference your point that there may be evidence supplied by holding that the share was transferred to them: If the FL and FA deem the share to be in Ltd., then we had better pray that there is no such evidence that SISU transferred it to Holdings as that would open up a can of worms, but then if the players contracts are in Holdings and the share isn't, we are likely to be in trouble anyway.
Whichever way this turns out, it looks as though the club has acted outside the rules of the Football League and the Football association irrespective of where the golden share lies. Unless, of course, the courts or the Football League state quite clearly that both entities are inextricably linked and that the entire club is in administration, and God knows where that would leave things.
And yes, he "must" be impartial, but there have been many, many instances of biased judges, arbitrators, administrators, teachers, headmasters etc. etc. Just because he is supposed to be impartial does not mean he is.
I know for a fact that my teachers and headmaster at Finham Primary and Junior School were biased against me all day every day. It is the only explanation for why I got caned so often
I agree with those people that say we need to wait for 1. the administrators report on the 16th May to the judge, and 2. the outcome of the next meeting of the Football League concerning CCFC.