Well-Known Member
So I tell the bank look, I can't afford to pay it so the choice is you take the money being offered personally, or I move out.
Again, do you think the bank would refuse my Mum's money? Or would they perhaps not care as long as they get paid? They didn't care up to that point after all, they got a cheque each month off a Wisdom, they never bothered to check the first name was Betty Wisdom, they just saw Wisdom.
But now I've lost my job, Betty Wisdom's money is no good to them, despite the fact now more than ever, Betty is more capable of paying than me?
A completely flawed analogy.
You and your mum also have refused to pay any rent for 12 months on another property that I have a share in and haven't said you can't pay you said you won't pay.
Now you claim you can't pay for the second property because you don't have the money but please don't kick me out because my mum will pay.
Sorry I don't believe her , you maybe saying this in good faith but I wouldn't trust your mum to refuse to pay for another year and then say its your problem ,because she hasn't signed any contract , you did!!
She could pay up front though, but I doubt that will happen unless she is genuine
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