Acl response to the Fisher Arena (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Can somebody tell me which party I should support here

CCFC ltd
CCFC holdings

Sorry if I've missed anybody but confused

You missed out Coventry North Regeneration (CNR).

I just love them so much.

James Smith

Well-Known Member
Out of interest "James" have you ever made more than one post about the playing side of the club? I've seen one where you claim to be at a match....are there any more?

I think if you had called yourself Inside Track and had adopted her stance (which shows far more passion and interest in the football club) I do think the lynch mob would be hunting you down..............
Actually wasn't aware I'd ever posted from a match or that I was at one. I work on Saturdays and my days off don't tend to coincide with midweek matches so I have seen very little of my team playing in the last few years. This is annoying but not the end of the world as I actually don't have enough money spare to be able to afford the cost of a train up to Coventry every Saturday as well as the bus fare and ticket. I therefore don't tend to post about the football matches if I haven't seen them being played. If a match is on telly I have watched those and go to the pub if they're available only on Satellite/Cable.

I really detest SISU and that is why most of my posts are against them. They had the oportunity to do great things with our club and then just seemed to lose interest. Buying the Charity share is a good example, agreed a Heads of terms and then appear to just have lost interest. Or maybe they thought they could just distress ACL into the ground rather than spend any money, an idea that was buggered up by the council helping ACL out.

Yes we need revenue under FFP to be able to compete and had SISU been sensible, for some of the money they say they've 'invested' and the money they say they will invest in the White Elephant Stadium we could have owned ACL. We would have had access to all the revenue that the stadium has for FFP, and been competing on a sound footing - yet SISU chose a different path. Even the last agreement before they walked away was a better deal for us under FFP than taking our club on the road (where we will doubtless get far less revenue) with their 'promise' that we will return at some point in the future. I think I trust their promises about as far as I could throw the Ricoh.


Well-Known Member
Off Topic ,Are MUSE rehearsing at the RICOH tonight as I've just been informed there is an apparent Fire at the RICOH tonight ,picture on Facebook.:thinking about:

James Smith

Well-Known Member
He claimed to be at one match as he broke off his post to actually say he was watching the game. I am sure he will is the game.
I did post in the occasional match thread, Brentford being the only one I can actually remember as I watch the BBC live text at work and keep up to date with the match thread which can be quicker at reporting goals etc. If I can be within range of CWR to be able to listen to that I will tune in as well.


Active Member
Out of interest "James" have you ever made more than one post about the playing side of the club? I've seen one where you claim to be at a match....are there any more?

I think if you had called yourself Inside Track and had adopted her stance (which shows far more passion and interest in the football club) I do think the lynch mob would be hunting you down..............

The difference being he doesn't claim to have an 'inside track' though and as for passion and interest in the club there have been no posts about the football whatsoever only bile,vitriol and unsubstantiated accusations directed at ACL/CCC from that poster....where is the passion for the team and the city? Or is our passion for CCFC no longer measured by the games we've been to and what they've meant to us but on how vociferous we are in attacking ACL? They've presented innuendo as fact, unlike JS who backs up everything he says with references so it's a completely unfair comparison.I would suggest that is because 'inside track' doesn't actually know anything about the club but clearly has an agenda and I would've thought someone as wise and intelligent as you would've sussed that and steered clear of lauding such a poster merely because their so far completely unfounded and unsubstantiated accusations may add credence to your own unpopular're better than that Grendel!
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