If you are looking for a Full Body workout, a starting place to get a feel for weights and condition yourself, then you may find this is a good place to start. The Tentigers Full Body is generally recommended by MH memebers frequently enough for me to request it be a stickie for ease of reference.
This is Tentigers Fullbody workout.
"It is actually meant for wrestlers to put on strength and size in the off season, but it does work well on anyone.
This can used for weight loss on calorie deficit or weight gain on a calorie surplus. Here are the two versions!
I would add some core work in either on the days offs or at the end if you like.
If you workout 3 times a week, say Mon-wed-fri, first week do A-B-A, second week B-A-B, CV on the Tue and Thu.
Workout A
bench press
military press
Workout B
Hack squats
stiff legged deadlift
dumbbell shoulder press
bent over rowing
REVISED, not because it is better just so it’s a little different!
workout A
bench press
stiff legged deadlift
military press
Workout B
dumbbell shoulder press
bent over rowing
Sets and reps 3x10, start with a weight you can just fail the last rep on the last set with, when you can do 3x12 up the weight.
Sets and reps for the first week, go 3 x 8, second week 4 x 6, third, week 2 x 12 and repeat"