Fitness and workouts (1 Viewer)


Super Moderator
Are any of you lot into working out and fitness? Or are you all chunky munkies?

I'm just about to start the Tentiger full body workout from the Mens health forum and I'm wondering if you guys have any inspiration or stories to keep me motivated?

Fat boys are welcome to tell me how I don't want to end up like them.


New Member
Being bias against overweight people is kinda mean !!

Its good you wish to look after your own health and fitness, And i wish you luck with your work out

Big is beautiful


Super Moderator
Who's being biased against fat people? I was merely asking for inspirational tales or advise from people who might be the wrong side of the overweight line and regret it or not as the case may be.


Super Moderator
If you are looking for a Full Body workout, a starting place to get a feel for weights and condition yourself, then you may find this is a good place to start. The Tentigers Full Body is generally recommended by MH memebers frequently enough for me to request it be a stickie for ease of reference.

This is Tentigers Fullbody workout.

"It is actually meant for wrestlers to put on strength and size in the off season, but it does work well on anyone.

This can used for weight loss on calorie deficit or weight gain on a calorie surplus. Here are the two versions!

I would add some core work in either on the days offs or at the end if you like.

If you workout 3 times a week, say Mon-wed-fri, first week do A-B-A, second week B-A-B, CV on the Tue and Thu.


Workout A
bench press
military press

Workout B
Hack squats
stiff legged deadlift
dumbbell shoulder press
bent over rowing

REVISED, not because it is better just so it’s a little different!

workout A
bench press
stiff legged deadlift
military press

Workout B
dumbbell shoulder press
bent over rowing

Sets and reps 3x10, start with a weight you can just fail the last rep on the last set with, when you can do 3x12 up the weight.

Sets and reps for the first week, go 3 x 8, second week 4 x 6, third, week 2 x 12 and repeat"


Well-Known Member
What Gym do you go to Rich?? I've just started going and my workout is mainly cardio with like 3 different types of weights. If your new to it all like me, then i'd book in with a PT and he'll be able to do you a workout that suits you best.


Super Moderator
I don't go the Gym Marty. I used to go the Ricoh, but i've now bought some weights for home. This TT workout is meant to be really good. Whenever i join the gym the programmes they give me are boring and I don't find them particularly tasking. I'll be getting onto this either tonight (if TenTiger tells me I can after cycling to and from work) or tomorrow. I haven't got a chin up bar at the moment so not sure what I'll do instead. May have to get one asap. I used to do a lot of cardio but i want to bulk up now.


Well-Known Member
If it's losing weight and/or shaping up, diet is the first port of call to address, which often goes ignored. I always found the best way to exercise is to do something you enjoy, so in addition to forcing myself for at least a half-hour of the gym each day I play a fair bit of football and do precisely no jogging whatsoever as it bores me to tears.


Super Moderator
Gotta agree with the jogging. It's so boring. I need a quick workout as we've a little one due in July and i don't want to be away from it too much. Home based excercise for me. This TT workout suits me down to the ground tbh. There's no better feeling than doing some proper weight excercises.


Well-Known Member
Is it just weights or does it include core stretching and cardio and the like?

I've never had the discipline to follow workout plans in magazines, plus they always have a ridiculously cut guy on the cover which is a bit too much like a taunt.


Super Moderator
The workout is as I've listed. They encourage cardio on 2 days, but i'll be doing 3 as I cycle to work 3 times a week. 5 Mile each way.

It's not a magazine feature it's something that a member of the forum does.


Super Moderator
I need to get a chin up bar though. Walked into town at lunch but only had time to look at how much they were in argos and not buy. I'll walk up a bit quicker tomorrow Lunch and buy it. £12.99 bargainage.

If you see a very white guy on a yellow bike cycling up Foleshill road between 7.15 and 7.45 and 5-5.30 on Mondays,Wednesday or Fridays then thats me.:claping hands:

What Gym do you guys use?


Well-Known Member
I agree that jogging is boring as hell, my PT said I should do 20-30 minutes cardio but I can use that time in whatever way i want and he actually encouraged me to change it every time I go, to just mix it up a bit.


Super Moderator
I prefer the bike for cardio tbf. the scenary changes all the time. Can't wait to get going on this plan. Do you have a private pt Marty or is it just one of the peeps that work at the gym?


Well-Known Member
I prefer the bike for cardio tbf. the scenary changes all the time. Can't wait to get going on this plan. Do you have a private pt Marty or is it just one of the peeps that work at the gym?

It's just one of the people that works at the gym, but you can book an appointment with him and he'll go round and check what your doing and make ajustments if you need them, and workout routins and that kinda stuff so it's pritty good, It doesn't cost any extra either.


Well-Known Member
I was into a pretty intensive weights programme for a couple of months, now I'm easing off them a bit and getting more cardio packed in.

My routine now would be,

4-5 days a week

1/2 hour weights with dumb bells then onto some bench work i.e bench presses
1/2 high intensity on an exercise bike

Jogging or running are absolute no goes as far as I'm concerned. An exercise bike or rowing machine will give you all the cardio you need without the high impact injuries.


Well-Known Member
Spindles, on the Tamworth road in cov. It's £30 a month but theres no joining fee or contract and you get access to the pool, sauna etc. The bloke in there said they are getting all new equipment soon as well. It was the best deal I could find at the time of joining.

Once I get fit I want to start either BJJ or boxing.


Well-Known Member
I use the gym at Warwick, as due to staff discount it works out at around or under a tenner a month. Means I have to get in before 8 to avoid a crowd, but outside of term it's a magical ghost town so between June and October I'll have free run of the place.

I avoid the treadmill completely for cardio and do the bike or rower, there's something about jogging I can't get on with; playing football I can pretty much run for hours, but 5 minutes on a treadmill or jogging and I'm achy and tired and had enough. All psychosomatic I'm sure.


Well-Known Member
i'm the opposite, can run for ageas on a treadmill, but out there on the roads or in a park, i can run about 50 meters before i'm knackered :facepalm: the place i go i have never seen more then 4 or 5 people in there at the same time which is 1 of the reasons i chose it,

Is that the warwick uni gym??


Well-Known Member
Yup. Annoyingly you have to pay the £40 Warwick sport membership before doing anything, but then you can book football pitches all year long.


New Member
When I was younger I followed an extreme workout programme ~ Go to bar, raise 20oz to lips, lower when empty. Repeat until unable to stand.

If you're a beginner then start with 10 reps.


Facebook User
I use the spindles on tamworth road aswell, normally go 3 times a week but at the moment I have a minor shoulder injury which is pissing me off because I was on good form before that.


Well-Known Member
I used to do TaeKwon-Do but have stopped going, that usde to keep me very fit. I now make a poor effort to run a few miles everyday before work round the park but i absolutely hate running so take my 7 iron and hit a few balls afterwards as a reward!


Super Moderator
I used to do TaeKwon-Do but have stopped going, that usde to keep me very fit. I now make a poor effort to run a few miles everyday before work round the park but i absolutely hate running so take my 7 iron and hit a few balls afterwards as a reward!

Blimey you obviously don't start work at 8 like most people? I'd never have time for a run and golf before work.


Well-Known Member
Would somebody be able to give me a bit of advice,

Is it best to eat before or after going to the gym?? At the minute i have 2 boiled eggs and half a can of beans about an hour before i go to the gym and i feel like i have a lot more enegry and can last longer then if i don't have anything before. Is it just psycological or is there something more to it??

Another thing is whats the best thing to eat really??

I am trying to lose a bit of weight so i mean any help of eating better would be great.


Well-Known Member
Thanks rich, i'll make a new post up there later, are the mags worth getting or is it just the same as there website??


Well-Known Member
I'm almost certain eating before is better, but people argue either way. Fuel your workout I reckon.


Well-Known Member
Those post workout shake things are quite bad for you if your trying to lose weight according to the website i've been reading. Quite happy to be proved wrong though. :p

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