Some want SISU out full stop, others blame ACL.
No one wants to play home games away.
If we look at both sides and want to find out who is telling the truth then do a deal.
ACL let SISU play at the Ricoh for the next three years for £400k plus a little extra for each cup game.
This is good business sense from both sides.
ACL get the revenue for three years while they also look for other usages forth stadium.
Would also prove they want the football club.
Why cut of your nose to spite your face?
If they are genuine in there belief the move will not be permanent then do the deal.
SISU would be keeping the fans happy
Build a new stadium in Warwickshire
Save a great deal of money
Keep everyone employed including match day staff.
If they are genuine in building a stadium and commitment to the fans they will do the deal.
My thoughts?
Still trying to pretend sitting on the fence is a viable premise I see. This is a ridiculous plan based on a ridiculous premise. At BEST. all it does is get the fans of the backs off sisu and gives them precious breathing space to either get another sight signed off, or worse 3 years down the line sisu coming back and whinging how this rent is far too high for a blue square team!
When will you face the fact that you CANNOT compromise with someone who is NOT prepared to compromise!
It's all very well sitting around the table from TF, and I'm sure it gives you a massive ego massage, but it is POINTLESS if you are not taken seriously by these people. You have in the past asked a not unreasonable request to turn down the tannoy.
Now surely this would cost Nothing for sisu, and would make the match day experience better for everyone, but sisu wouldn't even do that. Did they say to you they would do it? Did they even say they would consider it?
If they will not even listen to you on such a trivial matter, that could have helped relations between the fans and the owners, what makes you think they are going to consider your opinion on the day to day running of the club?
How can you NOT see they are playing you for mugs. It allows them the ability to say they are listening to the fans. You have been played by sisu - HOW can you NOT see this?
And when you add to that however good intentioned your idea MIGHT be, it at the very least smacks of siding with the people for what is abundantly clear a significant proportion of the fans consider the enemy. Sure you are entitled to your own opinion, but as a member of the board, you run the risk of people mistaking YOUR personal view for that of your organisation.
There simply can be no more compromise with sisu. We give they take. Have sisu budged even one inch since this all came out? If anything they have become even MORE intransigent - which in itself is an achievement!
A hedge fund can only be hurt in the wallet. Sisu are riding rough shod over the fans. Is there ANY evidence from day one they have taken the fans views into consideration?
I'm sorry but it is a ridiculous proposition. If sisu were prepared to compromise then MAYBE it would have credence, but all it would do is prolong this whole sorry story!
Actions need to be done and done NOW! NO delays! SHouldn't need a poll every time you have to make a decision. as an ELECTED board you supposedly have a mandate to make decisions for your group.
Certainly the longer you delay the more you expose yourselves to criticism.
But that's up to you ultimately.