Sepp Blatter... (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Looks set to be re-elected president of FIFA.

Does anyone else think this stinks?

Is this the start of the end for FIFA?


Well-Known Member
Looks set to be re-elected president of FIFA.

Does anyone else think this stinks?

Is this the start of the end for FIFA?

Yep, course it stinks. He may be protected for now but in the long term I think the weight of pressure on him may well begin to tell and the accusations just aren't going to go away are they. Unrelenting pressure from media reporters may yet see his downfall


New Member
We should pull out if FIFA. It would be a massive blow to them. This is not just about the money making premierleague situ but football. The game is being ruined for future generations. It's a disgraceful situation. But our FA is spineless and won't do shite.......


Just read this and although I knew FIFA was deeply corrupt I still couldn't believe what I was reading:

Now Warner has got revenge by dropping Blatter and Bin Haman in it.

If the allegations about Qatar are true we should demand Qatar are kicked out of FIFA and stripped of the world cup or threaten to leave ourselves.... We should also demand high level talks between the future president of the organisation and the Prime Minister do discuss how FIFA will fix the outcome of the 2018 bid so that we can be assured a fair run at any future bid!


Well-Known Member
It's not a question of is FIFA corrupt anymore, it's a question of how far into the organisation does the corruption go. Everything points to it going right to the top. It's disgraceful. They're not only ruining the game for supporters now but for many many future generations of supporters.
MP's are corrupt - remember the expenses exposure ?
Construction companies and developers are corrupt, most prices are rigged etc.. and contract / land deals are often done via "brown envelopes"
Look at charity abroad - how much of your cash actually goes to Africa ? how much goes to there politicians for "expenses"

Unfortunately everthing is corrupt - Blatter and his colleauges were just oto stupid, some of the shit those idiots on the FIFA board were asking for was a joke and was a timebomb for geting found out.
MP's are corrupt - remember the expenses exposure ?
Construction companies and developers are corrupt, most prices are rigged etc.. and contract / land deals are often done via "brown envelopes"
Look at charity abroad - how much of your cash actually goes to Africa ? how much goes to there politicians for "expenses"

Unfortunately everthing is corrupt - Blatter and his colleauges were just oto stupid, some of the shit those idiots on the FIFA board were asking for was a joke and was a timebomb for geting found out.

To be fair, in most situations, it's a minority of people engaged in dodgy practices that spoil it for the rest, but it seems in FIFA the minority have got to the top of the tree...

Really, FIFA shouldn't hold the election until the situation's sorted out, whatever way.


Well-Known Member
Starting to think the rot is too deep to be cut out.. FIFA is corrupt at the highest level.
Wasn't there something about the Swiss demanding to see their accounts or they'll kick them out of the country?


New Member
Just read this and although I knew FIFA was deeply corrupt I still couldn't believe what I was reading:

Now Warner has got revenge by dropping Blatter and Bin Haman in it.

If the allegations about Qatar are true we should demand Qatar are kicked out of FIFA and stripped of the world cup or threaten to leave ourselves.... We should also demand high level talks between the future president of the organisation and the Prime Minister do discuss how FIFA will fix the outcome of the 2018 bid so that we can be assured a fair run at any future bid!

Don't understand Jimmy. Why and how has this world body got anything to do with the British Government?


CCFC Finance Director
Pull us the frig out, grow a spine FA and stop bottling it.

Sorry but just how would the FA pulling out of FIFA achieve anything?

The only result would be no England Internationals, no European championships, no champions league etc........ and yes we would as a club be affected as there wouldnt be the money in the Premiership to buy the players we have to sell to fund the club.

Pulling out isnt the answer you have to be in it to change it.........

Have to say though that I watched the news conference, frankly it was embarassing. No real questions answered, all questions twisted so he could say what he had planned to say. Only in Blatter universe can anyone believe there is no crisis. He has presided over this mess for 13 years....... 13 years of apparent mismanagement and possible corruption..... his position is untenable and he should go..... and go now.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
No crisis wtf all the candidates for the presidency are all implicated.
I have no doubt what so ever that Quatar getting the world cup was done through bribes in that part of the world all business is based on back handers and is accepted in their culture.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but just how would the FA pulling out of FIFA achieve anything?

The only result would be no England Internationals, no European championships, no champions league etc........ and yes we would as a club be affected as there wouldnt be the money in the Premiership to buy the players we have to sell to fund the club.

Pulling out isnt the answer you have to be in it to change it.........

Have to say though that I watched the news conference, frankly it was embarassing. No real questions answered, all questions twisted so he could say what he had planned to say. Only in Blatter universe can anyone believe there is no crisis. He has presided over this mess for 13 years....... 13 years of apparent mismanagement and possible corruption..... his position is untenable and he should go..... and go now.

Not really going to solve anything either though. It would appease the likes of you and me for a while but (the alleged) corruption seems cemented within that organisation so that anybody who did take over would show the same (again, alleged) loose morals as Mr Joseph Sepp Blatter. It's unlikely this organisation could ever be cleaned up.


CCFC Finance Director
Am inclined to agree with you kg. Its a complete mess and until someone stands up and is supported from within it wont change. Too much self interest.

The thing that might actually be the catalyst for change is the fact the major sponsors are getting concerned about what is going on. However the thing that worries me like you is that anyone stepping in might only be more of the same with a different name.

Glimmer of hope is that the IOC went through something similar and has seemingly come out the other side better for it


Well-Known Member
Am inclined to agree with you kg. Its a complete mess and until someone stands up and is supported from within it wont change. Too much self interest.

The thing that might actually be the catalyst for change is the fact the major sponsors are getting concerned about what is going on. However the thing that worries me like you is that anyone stepping in might only be more of the same with a different name.

Glimmer of hope is that the IOC went through something similar and has seemingly come out the other side better for it

Good point about the IOC. How Blatter can come out and say there's no crisis is beyond delusion though. I can't wait for the day he's out of that job but like you say, hopefully when that day does finally come it's not just a like for like swap. Major overhaul and reconstruction needed at FIFA, that'd be a start.


Sorry but just how would the FA pulling out of FIFA achieve anything?

The only result would be no England Internationals, no European championships, no champions league etc........ and yes we would as a club be affected as there wouldnt be the money in the Premiership to buy the players we have to sell to fund the club.

Pulling out isnt the answer you have to be in it to change it.........

Have to say though that I watched the news conference, frankly it was embarassing. No real questions answered, all questions twisted so he could say what he had planned to say. Only in Blatter universe can anyone believe there is no crisis. He has presided over this mess for 13 years....... 13 years of apparent mismanagement and possible corruption..... his position is untenable and he should go..... and go now.

Really? All the teams in F1 are thinking of pulling out of FOTA and starting a rival organisation. If they do then FOTA has nothing. If some of the worlds most significant FA's did the same thing then there wouldn't be a FIFA. The reason Division 1 no longer exists is because the Division 1 teams left and created the premier league.

This option should be open to us if we can persuade other big countries to come with us. At this point I suspect we may only have the US and Australia with us, but if we could take Germany and one other (say Brazil) then realistically FIFA would go into complete Meltdown and reform itself.

Personally I think we have to do this.

Alternatively we should simply sue FIFA for the way it handled the 2018 bid, which would then give us the right to seize all emails/ data from FIFA representatives for a full legal investigation.

Question is does FIFA really want to push us that far? They already have the British media pumped up. The last thing the want is a country taking legal action against them.


CCFC Finance Director
Do you really think FIFA are overly worried by the british press ? Think too many of our own fans over rate the popularity and importance of the English FA within the global game. If you go to other countries and check then you will find our own standing isnt as high as we might think. Yes the Premiership is very popular but that is altogether different to "team England"

There are 208 member associations in FIFA, and given the recent ruptions and complaints the English FA is not as popular amongst those in FIFA. Also Blatter has done a lot for a lot of the smaller nations and is popular because of it. Would we have the support from others, well i dont think it is that clear cut, and i wouldnt like to rely on USA and Australia taking a leap of faith with us. You have to realise that apart from those two most other associations do not have an axe to grind with FIFA. How many members do FOTA have ? losing one or two is significant to get ball moving i suspect.

There is going to be a lot of pressure from Premiership teams on the FA to work within the FIFA framework because they will lose substantial funds from the FA opting out - no champions league for a start, players moving away, loss of sponsorship etc....

Of course there should be the option .... but should it be a knee jerk first reaction no ...... on past experience of FIFA countries is it likely to suceed- recent history says no. Biggest result would most likely to further isolate the English game


Well-Known Member
Do you really think FIFA are overly worried by the british press ? Think too many of our own fans over rate the popularity and importance of the English FA within the global game. If you go to other countries and check then you will find our own standing isnt as high as we might think. Yes the Premiership is very popular but that is altogether different to "team England"

There are 208 member associations in FIFA, and given the recent ruptions and complaints the English FA is not as popular amongst those in FIFA. Also Blatter has done a lot for a lot of the smaller nations and is popular because of it. Would we have the support from others, well i dont think it is that clear cut, and i wouldnt like to rely on USA and Australia taking a leap of faith with us. You have to realise that apart from those two most other associations do not have an axe to grind with FIFA. How many members do FOTA have ? losing one or two is significant to get ball moving i suspect.

There is going to be a lot of pressure from Premiership teams on the FA to work within the FIFA framework because they will lose substantial funds from the FA opting out - no champions league for a start, players moving away, loss of sponsorship etc....

Of course there should be the option .... but should it be a knee jerk first reaction no ...... on past experience of FIFA countries is it likely to suceed- recent history says no. Biggest result would most likely to further isolate the English game

Champions League is UEFA so I don't think it would affect that. But yeah, can't see the prem teams being overly-enamoured with the idea. A good start by the FA today though asking for the elections to be postponed - it's kind of testing the water and a decent way to see how much support they do have.


CCFC Finance Director
dont think it will happen kg .... heard on the radio there has to be a 75% majority for the vote to postpone to be approved.

Bin Hammam and Jack Warner both telling their respective confederations to support Blatter too.

I agree with you that champions league is Uefa but they are ultimately governed by FIFA which is the world governing body........ wouldnt be too much of a stretch for FIFA to insist all affiliated competitions were only for FIFA member associations

This is ultimately about the control of billions of £s and the only clear cut effective measure is to substantially restrict those funds until it is sorted out properly. In that sense it is the sponsors... CocaCola, Addidas etc ............ that control whether FIFA is reformed
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Well-Known Member
Come out of FIFA - they would shit themselves since our team and fans offer revenue. The greedy English FA have unfortunately not got the balls.

5 home internationsals + 3 invites from unqualified sides and an 8 team alternative tournament every other summer. Hold it in non WC/Euro years and we could even invite Brazil, Italy and Germany as regulars :)


New Member
I see only 17 people voted in favour of postponing the election until another candidate could be found.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
186 out of 214 voted for Blatter I would hazzard a guess that 186 out of 214 Fifa members are corrupt so not a chance in hell of it being cleaned up.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
I would happily support our FA making a stand and pulling out of Fiffa. It wouldn't matter much England will never win anything in my lifetime and on a European level Barcelona are the ones to beat which is unlikely to happen over the next few years. Maybe it could do us a favour with more home nation players making it in the premier league once all the over payed and hyped prima donnas have cleared off to play for teams in the european cup abroad.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't stink as much as this superinjunction stuff! A huge load of revelations were taken down just now and I get the feeling not many have read them.

Spread the word, fight The Man!
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New Member
You're a braver man than me ~ that last man has a wife who's a lawyer and who is extremely pro-active about litigation. Bleats about her privacy being invaded, then write in her biography about how her last child was conceived. ( I was nearly sick)


Well-Known Member
Eep, see what you mean-someone sent me a pretty nasty email sharpish, so I've removed the info. It's still findable (I found it!).
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Well-Known Member
Hmm, noticed how they're already starting to try and tarnish the reputation of the FA - think we've definitely struck a chord.


Well-Known Member
I missed the exciting stuff by the looks of it - can you post a link please? Or pm it to me if you like. Ta


Well-Known Member
There was one FIFA delegate who came up after and started off by saying "allegation is a wonderful English word"! His point was really confused and all over the place but it still got a round of applause off the council (of course)! There's been other people stand up and insult the English or our FA as well but I haven't heard any of them yet. What gets me is that they're alowed to get away with snide remarks about the English but if it was the other way round there'd be an outcry.

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