Finally getting some publicity (7 Viewers)


we have had supportive tweets from some top journo's 2nite with potential to hit over a million twitter accounts


not from my phone but I know mick quinn is going to get it on his show 2moro which starts at ten and the main Sunday telegraph journo is on the case now


New Member
Henry Winter (Telegraph):
Crazy what's happening to @Coventry_City. They can't move out of Coventry, surely? @football_league need to step in - properly

(Our very own!) Mick Quinn (Talksport):
Will try to find out more about this so called CCFC takeover,tomorrow on @tSKellyandQuinn from 10am

Matt Law (Sunday Mirror):
Prospect of Coventry playing in Walsall or Northampton next season is a disgrace. Shame on those who have brought club to its knees

Owen Gibson (Guardian):
@KeepCCFCinCov Absolutely. My colleague @James_Riach is on top of it. Agree that your plight deserves more attention.

For a full list of journalists to send tweets to, see here:


Well-Known Member
Well done to all those who are doing this. I cannot believe how little attention this is getting. I think James Riach (Guardian) has looked at us before. He seems to be a genuine investigative journalist which seems rare in football. I've just tweeted him asking if he is able to look at the way the Administration was handled.


New Member
Henry Winter (Telegraph):
Crazy what's happening to @Coventry_City. They can't move out of Coventry, surely? @football_league need to step in - properly

(Our very own!) Mick Quinn (Talksport):
Will try to find out more about this so called CCFC takeover,tomorrow on @tSKellyandQuinn from 10am

Matt Law (Sunday Mirror):
Prospect of Coventry playing in Walsall or Northampton next season is a disgrace. Shame on those who have brought club to its knees

Owen Gibson (Guardian):
@KeepCCFCinCov Absolutely. My colleague @James_Riach is on top of it. Agree that your plight deserves more attention.

For a full list of journalists to send tweets to, see here:

Brilliant thank you for that


for once I would actually implore ACL and the Higgs Trust to get involved...doors have been opened for you. Be smart enough to use them in a constructive way that benefits the fans of coventry. ..redemption for your part in this catastrophe could yet be in your grasp.


Well-Known Member
As Torch said on another thread, if the USA can talk to the Taliban then surely Sisu and ACL can sit down and talk to each other.

There is a deal to be done. There has to be. Groundsharing and new stadiums are just ludicrous notions as far as I am concerned.


New Member
As Torch said on another thread, if the USA can talk to the Taliban then surely Sisu and ACL can sit down and talk to each other.

There is a deal to be done. There has to be. Groundsharing and new stadiums are just ludicrous notions as far as I am concerned.

Some of you just do not get it - the VAST majority of fans DO NOT WANT SISU HERE, so we DO NOT WANT ACL TO TALK TO SISU. We want Haskell or Byng to talk to SISU and BUY THEM OUT. There is more chance of this happening if SISU are starved of all income by us the fans.


Well-Known Member
this is why they need to play at the ricoh as they will only look at us if we are at the ricoh as that is where the investment is


Well-Known Member
Totally agree gaz anything to get Sisu out of our town they are untrustworthy cannot believe a word they say. They Don't give a toss about our club or the supporters.........:blue::blue::blue::blue::blue:
Some of you just do not get it - the VAST majority of fans DO NOT WANT SISU HERE, so we DO NOT WANT ACL TO TALK TO SISU. We want Haskell or Byng to talk to SISU and BUY THEM OUT. There is more chance of this happening if SISU are starved of all income by us the fans.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
But that goes against the principle of keeping CCFC in Coventry! I guess you want that? You a hypocrite?

Do you also want a team that can do well? How's starving the club of income (in reality, the club won't be hit too hard by 1-4k of boycotters) going to achieve that? It won't, and this NOPM campaign will only and I mean only have a detrimental effect on the team and that is it!

The most realistic outcome now is a co-investment between Byng or Haskell with SISU, would you support that?

There will be crowds of less than 3000 in nene park sbt. Have you ever heard of the phrases, 'cruel to be kind' , end justifying the means etc. It is not those supporters who have had enough who will have destroyed the club by not going next year it is the owners stubbornly hanging around for a reason that only they understand.

Your suggestion of investment would be better than this but not the best scenario

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
SB Taylor so you don't think having 70-100 million pounds of debt is going to have a detrimental effect on the team ?


@football_league were not going away. .SKYBLUE BLOOD on your hands. .enjoy your pompous shallow fixture launch #CCFC A (away) forever ..this is what I am hitting them with this morning. .just replying to every tweet


Well-Known Member
SB Taylor so you don't think having 70-100 million pounds of debt is going to have a detrimental effect on the team ?

It won't have any effect on team or are you saying that clubs with lower debt have greater success?

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Well yes, but if this hypothetical ground was built, and CCFC owned it, in the long run, CCFC would be better off.

We won't build a new ground,we won't be playing our home games in Walsall and we certainly won't be moving to Nene Park!

Again new ground will be no more owned by Ccfc than the Ricoh is


New Member
But that goes against the principle of keeping CCFC in Coventry! I guess you want that? You a hypocrite?

Do you also want a team that can do well? How's starving the club of income (in reality, the club won't be hit too hard by 1-4k of boycotters) going to achieve that? It won't, and this NOPM campaign will only and I mean only have a detrimental effect on the team and that is it!

The most realistic outcome now is a co-investment between Byng or Haskell with SISU, would you support that?

No ground, transfer embargo, no money to buy players even if no embargo, that's all great for the team isn't it. As I said in a different thread, no player of any quality is ever going to sign for us while we are owned by this pile of dead beats.

I do not want ACL to talk to them BUT I do want ACL/CCC and the football L to look at the legality of the farce that was the bidding process


New Member
I'm sorry but players will want to sign for us, we are a better proposition than most teams in L1, get over yourself.

We have always paid the players wages, 100% and on-time, that's what a player looks out for the most.

You don't necessarily need money to sign quality players for this division, our free transfers were good last season, Clarke was a free transfer, but because he's a free transfer he must be shit! :facepalm:

Where did I say free transfers were shit. Last year we ha a ground the players new where they would play their home games. And I agree players will want to sign for us but not any who have any real quality.


New Member
That's why I stated if we owned the ground...

Did you not see the part where I said the ground won't be built anyway!?

You are a very knowledgeable young man it would appear. You seem to know so many things that the rest of us can only guess at. I wish I had your secret sources of information.
To the best of my knowledge, SISU's official representative, one Mr Tim Fisher, has stated very loudly and very publically to the fans, to television, to the newspapers etc. on many occasions that Coventry will never play at the Ricoh again.
He stated very loudly and very publically that since December 2012 he has employed a high profile specialist company to research new ground for Coventry to build a new stadium. He has stated that three sites have been found and that they are close to buying an appropriate site to build the new stadium.
And yet, you have stated again and again in your posts on here that we will be playing at the Ricoh and that no new ground will be built. At no time have you ever said that this is your opinion, so obviously you know something that the rest of us do not.
Could I ask you to please share the source of your special knowledge with those of us less priviledged?
Thank you in advance.


Well-Known Member
I think fans do get it. I don't think it's the "vast" amount I think it's "all" fans who don't want SISU here. However, it seems they are not going anywhere, so we have to make the best of it until they go. Making the best of it will mean staying at the Ricoh rather than leaving the City. That is a million times more important than the SISU OUT issue for me. Sort the first then concentrate on the latter.

Some of you just do not get it - the VAST majority of fans DO NOT WANT SISU HERE, so we DO NOT WANT ACL TO TALK TO SISU. We want Haskell or Byng to talk to SISU and BUY THEM OUT. There is more chance of this happening if SISU are starved of all income by us the fans.


Well-Known Member
That's genuinely impressive.

Henry Winter (Telegraph):
Crazy what's happening to @Coventry_City. They can't move out of Coventry, surely? @football_league need to step in - properly

(Our very own!) Mick Quinn (Talksport):
Will try to find out more about this so called CCFC takeover,tomorrow on @tSKellyandQuinn from 10am

Matt Law (Sunday Mirror):
Prospect of Coventry playing in Walsall or Northampton next season is a disgrace. Shame on those who have brought club to its knees

Owen Gibson (Guardian):
@KeepCCFCinCov Absolutely. My colleague @James_Riach is on top of it. Agree that your plight deserves more attention.

For a full list of journalists to send tweets to, see here:


New Member
Is the same Fisher that people say 'they wouldn't believe him if he said the rain is wet', that guy? Or do we only believe him when he says he'll 'liquidate the club' and 'will never play at the RICOH again', a convient 'truth' if you ask me...

I don't think we'll leave the RICOH because the business model proposed is completely unsustainable, I have limited business knowledge and their plans, if they go ahead with it, is only destined to go one way: absolute failure for both CCFC, but more importantly for SISU, SISU.

I'd have more respect if Fisher U-turn on this.

Please allow me to make a suggestion:
If it is your opinion, you should state that it is your opinion.
Secondly, given what you have said above, you think Fisher has several times deliberately said things that he knows not to be true. This is known as "telling lies".
So why do you not come straight out and say that in you opinion Fisher is telling lies?
You cannot have it both ways Taylor. Either we will never play at the Ricoh again and SISU will build a new stadium, or Fisher is a liar. There is no middle ground here. Be strong young man and tell the truth!


New Member
You've misunderstood what I'm saying, I was making a reference to people who claim Fisher is a lier, but believe him when he says he's going to liquidate the club or that we're going to Walsall, Nene Park or some shithole I couldn't get to. I'm not the one having it both ways, I take whatever Fisher says with a heap of salt, but there are people on here who will say he's lying about whatever, e.g. 'the infamous handshake' but believe Fisher when it's convenient e.g. Liquidation of CCFC, is unfair on the man, he's either a lier or not.

I'm not saying Fisher is telling lies, I'm saying that what he's saying wont happen because it's unsustainable, therefore he'll have to make U-turns, like Gove's GCSE's 'reforms', he made U-turns, doesn't make him a lier, he's just realised that his proposals won't work. Two completely different things!

Here's a suggestion: cut the patronising tone, it makes you come across as a dick, which I'm sure you're a reasonable person.

You don't even know what it means so stop trying to be smart because it doesn't even work.

Oh Dear!
Taylor, Fisher is many things, but he is not unintelligent. If he makes a statement that he must know is not possible, then he is deliberately lying. It is not about making U-turn if you know you are not being truthful at the point in time you make a statement; that is lying!
So instead of sitting on the fence and avoiding telling what you think to be the truth and sugar-coating it with "U-turn" statements, just come straight out and say it.
Did Fisher know when he said we will never play at the Ricoh again that that was not a true statement? If you answer that with "yes", than you have to say that in your opinion Fisher is a liar.
Come on Taylor, you can do it. You can stand up and say it straight out, surely?


You've misunderstood what I'm saying, I was making a reference to people who claim Fisher is a lier, but believe him when he says he's going to liquidate the club or that we're going to Walsall, Nene Park or some shithole I couldn't get to. I'm not the one having it both ways, I take whatever Fisher says with a heap of salt, but there are people on here who will say he's lying about whatever, e.g. 'the infamous handshake' but believe Fisher when it's convenient e.g. Liquidation of CCFC, is unfair on the man, he's either a lier or not.

I'm not saying Fisher is telling lies, I'm saying that what he's saying wont happen because it's unsustainable, therefore he'll have to make U-turns, like Gove's GCSE's 'reforms', he made U-turns, doesn't make him a lier, he's just realised that his proposals won't work. Two completely different things!

Here's a suggestion: cut the patronising tone, it makes you come across as a dick, which I'm sure you're a reasonable person.

You don't even know what it means so stop trying to be smart because it doesn't even work.
If the shoe fits Stockholm, if the shoe fits!


I take it SBT is unfamiliar with the phrase Nuclear option. To sell a lie sometimes you have to inject a modicum of truth. Are you 100% TF would never have liquidated? That was the nuclear option.

What would you have had ACL do? Just assume it was BS? For someone who claims great insight, this is utterly short-sighted. I am pretty sure that ACL didn't believe him, but there is always the option that sisus plan was to liquidate city (after ll in effect no debts but to ACL were ever really owed), and by distressing ACL forcing them to sell their share on the cheap.

If you look logically, it is obvious that they at least perceived this plan and could have worked until the council stepped in!

Point is, there was a tangible risk that simply could not be ignored. Sometimes the merely stating it as an option is a leap too far. They should their utter disdain for the club, when they used what was in effect blackmail.

You cannot negotiate with people like that. As for the Taliban analogy, just because they talk doesn't mean they will get anywhere! Whenever you get one side that refuses to compromise, whilt the other wont, talks are pointless.

Compromise has been utterly ruled out by sisu. They are the ones who walked away from talks! They are the ones who wantall these comncessions, yet haven't offered even one breadcrumb of concession back!

They are in effect a parasite on the club, There is no evidence whatsoever of the sums of investment claimed by sisu, there is proof that they took £500k from an escrow account they didn't pay into, they received a full year of free venue, and they took the supporters for fools since day one!

Why are sisu so reluctant to pay for the privilege of owning a share of the arena?

They have had several years of opportunity to buy the thing, yet all of a sudden the rent is an issue!

They cannot ever be allowed to own the reins of the ricoh - under any circumstances.

The ricoh isn't just a club asset, but an asset for every tax-payer in coventry! Had it been just highfield road, then this would never be an issue, because ultimately the club can do what it wants with its own assets.

But what is clear is that not every coventry city taxpayer is a coventry city fan. The council have a legal responsibility to protect this assets from flighty entities such as sisu.

When they are prepared to pay for the asset fine, let them have it, but for goodness sake, people seem to think this place belongs to coventry city FC. It never has.

And do they really think they are going to get a staqdium even through the planning stage in 5 years yet alone 3.

Sisu have just received a phyrric victory. They hold on th the name. But they have no more bargaining chips. They used those up when they brought up a plan to build elsewhere.

ACL if anything should call their bluff on this one. What is abundantly clear, is that sisu need the ricoh, but ACl can and will survive without the club!

It's great to see those wanting sisu to succeed in this. Because if ACL win, we all win, if sisu win, they win alone. That is not supporting the club thsat is supporting a hedge fiund!

I'm sorry but my dad never took me to watch sisu FC. But hey some people just want a quiet life and screw the consequences.

Let's see how long it is before sisu start calling for talks to start again.

No more compromise towards sisu. We have bent over backwards enough. If they aren't prepared to negotiate, then don't let them pay more rent than they were. Let them pay for buses every home match.Let's see how long it is before they are forced back to the negotiations.

When sisu grow up maybe then talks can begin


New Member
Your constant criticism of SBT is a bit boring now. But i will say this. It is now they can show their metal, we are almost at a point of no return and there is a lot we the ordinary fans could do to spike any ground move proposal. I have to admit certain regular posters attached to the Trust are very quiet at the moment when they should be loud and on the attack constantly. Having been to a few Trust meetings as i saw it there's a lot of good intentions but not a lot of backbone.
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New Member
This just received from Paul Doyle at THE GUARDIAN...maybe these kinds of reports will have an influence? We can hope...

"Thanks for the update: after your previous email I mentioned to my editor that I'd like to do a piece on it and he said that my colleague, James Riach, already has it covered. I haven't actually seen anything by him on it recently but assume he's got a work in progress.


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Well-Known Member
We won't build a new ground,we won't be playing our home games in Walsall and we certainly won't be moving to Nene Park!

So, what's Fisher's current stance then? Brinkmanship? If so, what's the end game?

They should have been selling season tickets back in May. It'll be July before they go on sale. At the earliest.

To alienate so many potential 'customers' to drive a better deal, but have lower crowds when you get what you want, is kinda counterproductive, isn't it?

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