Brody tweets... (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
re debts, "This is a mountain being made out of a mole hill, truely"

this comes hot on the heels of other such reliable tweets as...

"marlon will stay" and "Ranson sold Thomas"

looking forward to hearing more reliable tweets, like "tonights national lottery numbers" and "Jesus, the second coming"

Dick head, fuck off!


Well-Known Member
Other than £40m not being a mole hill, not a lot.
Besides the point is, based on his track record, do you trust anything he says?

And as a side note, why such an agresive reply?


Well-Known Member
We knew these debts were kicking around before and after SISU brought the club. For me having looked at the accounts it reads a little better than i thought!!


Well-Known Member
Other than £40m not being a mole hill, not a lot.
Besides the point is, based on his track record, do you trust anything he says?

And as a side note, why such an agresive reply?

It wasn't aggressive, I was just curious why him trying to calm fears about debts that were pretty much common knowledge angers you. What he told us about King is that he verbally agreed, there's no sign of that being a lie even if King ends up reneging on it.

With 'Dick head, fuck off! ' why so aggressive towards Brody? It's not like he's a shady saboteur trying to ruin us from within.


Well-Known Member
Touché, just don't like the guy very much! Also don't like really like the use of Twitter as a medium for spreading information, I don't use it and I'm sure there are many other Sky Blues that don't either.

He would be better off setting up an account on here or GMK, even the most IT illiterate of us can use a forum!

As you may be able to tell, I'm not having the best of days!


Well-Known Member
Fans ask for more communication and then twist things so they can moan. Brody said King had "verbally agreed", nothing about actually signing. He's trying to add transparency to behind the scenes goings on as has been asked. No wonder most boards keep their fans in the dark, it's just not worth the hassle.


Well-Known Member
Monkeyface; You have searched for Brody, taken time to read through his tweets and then are saying fuck off?

It is not as though he is putting his comments right in front of your face.

And in terms of the Marlon thing... All he has done is shared what he knows. He has told us that Marlon has given a verbal confirmation. This does NOT mean he has signed but if that is the way that the fans have interpreted it then that is not his fault.


Super Moderator
I can't believe you believe some Uni Lecturer that can't get a real job over a professional business man. It's obvious which knows what they're talking about. Real world vs Uni. £40mil is pocket change when you have a business plan.
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Well-Known Member
Touché, just don't like the guy very much! Also don't like really like the use of Twitter as a medium for spreading information, I don't use it and I'm sure there are many other Sky Blues that don't either.

He would be better off setting up an account on here or GMK, even the most IT illiterate of us can use a forum!

As you may be able to tell, I'm not having the best of days!

Fair do's. I think that for any of his faults or inaccuracies, he is trying and working to get the best for the club, and his constant availability via Twitter does address some of the criticisms over the last 3-4 years regarding the board and SISU and how 'invisible' they were. Not everyone will like it, but if it were a closed shop with regards communication I think more people would dislike it that way.


Well-Known Member
I am amazed how so many of you are unconcerned about being £40 million in debt, especially just because some idiot who regularly spouts garbage on twitter says its OK. Wake up people, this is serious:

Unconcerned?! How about have no money and can't do anything about it so what's the point in stressing about it. Unless you have a few million quid you'd like to pump in what do you think "concern" is going to achieve?!


Well-Known Member
He's not exactly saying it's ok, it's just that it's not new alarming news. The Telegraph have got a juicy front page out of it and the reactions they were hoping for.


Well-Known Member
I am amazed how so many of you are unconcerned about being £40 million in debt, especially just because some idiot who regularly spouts garbage on twitter says its OK. Wake up people, this is serious:

I am not the least worried about the £40mio in debts as most is owed to SISU. What worries me more is the yearly deficit. If we can't manage to earn more than we spend we will be in real trouble.

But that requires we sell off players when they are worth good money and then find and breed new talents as we have done for ages.

Looking back at the revolt that almost occured when a total unproven Connor Thomas was sold I can only imagine what will happen when Turner is offloaded to keep the club in business.

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
TBf Brody has got a point.
Ranson always said there was no debt saddled on Coventry City. Well yes but business is a strange thing.
How you express debt and show it in accounts is another.
We are in fact part of several companies so Ranson was right and wrong at the same time.

However take a look at other football clubs and you will be even more alarmed!
Our accounts and the method of controlling the debt is working and the path is clear for the new board to bring in new money to 'operate' the football club. SISU will not want to prop it up with more hand outs. Can the new board deliver? That's what they promised to do so we shall see....
If offering £15k a week for Marlon King's services are too much of a stretch then that's the way of it.


CCFC Finance Director
Think the Professor needs to do a bit more studying..........

there will not be many football club accounts where there is not a note about going concern in the accounts and the auditors referring to it in their report. The auditors dont say it isnt a going concern they point to factors that give them concern but to which they have evidence that there is a sustainable plan going forward. In fact due to the recession and financial climate a lot of companies of all sizes will have a note about going concern in their accounts

If the club had stakes in the Ricoh they would probably have associated debts too so how does that improve the Balance Sheet? Unless bought cheap and revalued upwards

I think the comments by Dr Beech are far more sensible and accurate

Think most CCFC fans are concerned, but what good will panicing do when other than supporting the team it is out of our hands?
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Well-Known Member
Quote from the Football league chairman:
"The Football League clubs currently have around £700m of debt - and more than 80% of this is in the Championship"


CCFC Finance Director
You know what really annoys me is that the CT cannot get anything right

Firstly the auditor refers to a note in the accounts about an uncertainty that the Directors have highlighted. The auditor has not issued a dire warning that the club is "on the brink". He hasnt said it is about to go out of business!

The accounts and auditors report do not tell us anything we didnt already know and the Board highlighted it all months ago. Clouting & Brody are quite correct we have not been given any surprises and we remain in the same position we have been in for the last few years...... loss making relying on SISU & player sales

It says Turnover is down ........... well yes in the Holdings company £490K but in CCFC (the footballing operation) it is actually up £400K.

CT makes no mention of the fact that losses have reduced significantly. But would be a positive wouldnt it!

To understand the figures you have to look at all the companies involved and all the info not pick on a bit of "sensationalisation" to sell print.

To report in this manner actually increases the risk of unsettling creditors and the risk of administration


Well-Known Member
The Telegraph has become a rag of sensationalist headlines designed to sell papers. It is a complete waste of money


New Member
I'm not saying we should be running around like headless chickens, i'm just saying it's surprising how many people are totally OK with us being in such large debt because I don't see a way out of the hole we are in at the moment. The only way of reducing the debt is by getting promoted, but to get promoted we need a better team, which requires cash that we don't have! If Marlon does go to Birmingham as rumoured, i'm sure Gunnar and Westy will follow, which leaves us with a very poor, demoralised squad in a continually improving league. Relegation is simply not an option at this stage but it seems far more likely than promotion.
That is why it concerns me.

Also, arguing that a university business professor is just a failed businessman is a ridiculous statement. I'm an Engineer and the best engineering minds I have met work in research to further the knowledge of the field they work in. They have a desire to better the understanding of the topic and are usually far more knowledgeable than people who are out to make money from the topic.


Well-Known Member
as far as I remember we have always been in the financial shit, we are are in debt and it's bad but at least we haven't got Bryan Richardson at the helm!


Well-Known Member
To continue with the original thread, I agree with Monkeyface about the use of Twitter to keep fans informed. I'm sure that setting up an account on this forum would enable Mr Brody to reach a wider audience.


Well-Known Member
To continue with the original thread, I agree with Monkeyface about the use of Twitter to keep fans informed. I'm sure that setting up an account on this forum would enable Mr Brody to reach a wider audience.

A wider audience than 200 million people?! You probably mean a more concentrated audience yeah? Thing is, it's not just Coventry he tweets about.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
The Telegraph has become a rag of sensationalist headlines designed to sell papers. It is a complete waste of money

Agreed Procdoc I noticed that yesterdays MK birmingham story was fact and now they have moved it to the gossip column.


Well-Known Member
Quote from the Football league chairman:
"The Football League clubs currently have around £700m of debt - and more than 80% of this is in the Championship"

Looks like ccfc is responsible for a big chunk of this.

80% of £700mio = £560mio ... more than 80%, so we round up = £600mio in the Championship.
Our debt is £40mio of £600mio = 6,67%.

Truely a big, big chunck.


New Member
Quote from the Football league chairman:
"The Football League clubs currently have around £700m of debt - and more than 80% of this is in the Championship"

80% of £700m is around £560m, and if you split that between 24 Championship clubs it averages out at around £23.3m per club. Us being £39m of that £560m is a worry, but in modern football seems quite common.

You do wonder though, if we're still that much in debt without currently returning a profit, was the old Richardson gung-ho approach killing us any differently to this? At least back then we were throwing money into Premiership standard players that could bring a decent amount of revenue back......

Don't get me wrong, I don't agree the Richardson way was the right one, but is the current way right either? Is it time we finally admit we need to go for the top flight to secure the shirt to mid term future of this club? There's a lot to ponder, not just regarding CCFC but football in general.


New Member
Mainly I ponder what was in the confidentiality agreement that Richarson and Robinson signed.

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