Hmm. There is a lot of legislation around TUPE, particularly with regard to consultation. Off the top of my head, I don't think this letter covers it properly, but there may be more to come.
In particular there's something about the right to consultation that sticks in my mind, there's a very particular process to follow that usually involves electing a representative. You don't typically individually consult in TUPE, in my experience. The employer is legally bound to show that he has consulted properly, I don't think there's a get out just because they're in a hurry to sell!
My honest approach, as an employee, would simply be to ask for clarity. Is this a transfer that falls within TUPE, if so what plans are there for consultation? At what point will it be certain that Otium are to buy CCFC H, in other words am I being asked to transfer before the League have approved the sale? And may I have a copy of my contract of employment, please?
I'm not implying there's a stitch up in place, I'd do this regardless if I had any doubts.