To the employees of Coventry City Football Club (the Club)
21 June 2013
Dear Sir/Madam
There has been a lot in the press recently about the appointment of administrators to
Coventry City Football Club Limtited (CCFC) and about their desire to sell such right, title and interest they have (if any)in the Club to purchaser. As you may have read in the press over the weekend, on 14 June the administrators decided thatt their preferred purchaser is Otium Entertainment Group Limited(Otium). Coventry City Footabll Club (Holdings) Limitied (CCH, which as you will know has for many years been running the Club and in particular has been making all payments to its employees, is also planning to sell its interest in the Club.The purpose of this letter is to let you know that it is accordingly intended that your contract of employment will transfer to Otium, which is the immediate parent company of CCH. In the case of playing staff registered with the Football league and the FA, it is proposed thatt the transfer of employment will follow
approval by the Football Leagueand the FA. In all cases, your terms and conditions will be unchanged and this transfer will be seen as continuous for the purposes of employment legislation and will not be seen as a break in your period of employment.
Ideally we would intend to provide a longer period of consultation for you as employees to enable you to ask questions that you have. However, timing constraints relating to the sale by the CCFC admininstrators have meant that we have not sufficient time to do more than inform you of the proposed change in writing today.
Should you wish to discuss or raise any question with me as then please feel free to contact me on the details below. Alternatively, if any employees wish to nominate a spokesperson to represent you to discuss the same with me please inform me of the nominated individual's details in writing.
Please retain this letter for your records and take advice as you feel appropriate as to its
The recent weeks have been particularly difficult ones for the Club and for all its employees. I wish to place on record how grateful I am for all your hard work and loyalty tot he Club throughtout this period. Under the proposed ownership of Otium I sincerely hope that the Club's future will be significantly brighter and I look forward to working with you going forward to help the Sky Blues the success that the Club deserves.
Yours faithfully
Tim Fisher