No way back for the outcast players (2 Viewers)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
But to walk away from the few players he does have under his charge and been working with hardly seems the default honorable thing to do. Staying to try and see a tough job through isn't automatic 'OMG yes man' territory despite what people would make out. If he's been misled by people in charge it's shitty on him, but he'd hardly be the first manager to be in that boat.

Like Thorn he's in the perfect win/win situation so there's no way he'll leave. Win a few games with a skeleton squad and notorious off field issues and it looks great, lose and expectations are already low so no harm done. Problem for Thorn was relegation then raised expectations a bit and he was found out.


Deleted member 5849

This is why Robbins left..he knew this shit was coming..moving to Hudds didnt look right..but with this backdrop..seems perfect common sense.
No doubt he was paid to say jack shit.

What Robins actually said was:

I spoke to the owner, I sought assurances and didn’t get any assurances from the owner of Coventry...I absolutely wish them all the best, they work their socks off and as I’ve said before that club needs support from Coventry City Council. That led to a decision to want to speak with Huddersfield and that’s how the decision has been arrived at... There are well-documented things about what’s happening down at Coventry. It is a magnificent club. Potentially huge. But it needs support to build revenue streams and help from the council.


Really dont like this situation. Dont like how SP has handled this one bit. We hear of players being told they are not in the mamagers plans all the time, but to outcast them to train else where and basically treat them like shit is bad management in my opinion. No doubt youve all discussed this before when i wasnt paying attention, but everytime i read about this i cant help but think "what a shit decision"

They have their own coach, physio etc. with them. It's not like they're playing Wembley doubles at the Memorial Park.

People demand we bring these players back, but is it worth it when we'll be able to sign new players in a few games time? Is it worth bringing back players who aren't in your plans for the sake of not giving Jordan Willis a few games?

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
They have their own coach, physio etc. with them. It's not like they're playing Wembley doubles at the Memorial Park.

People demand we bring these players back, but is it worth it when we'll be able to sign new players in a few games time? Is it worth bringing back players who aren't in your plans for the sake of not giving Jordan Willis a few games?

Until such players arrive though we have players being paid and not utilised. I realise Pressley is keen to set a record for the lowest average age in a starting 11 but to me it makes no sense to waste senior professionals while we still have them in favour of kids who are nowhere near ready.


Well-Known Member
I can't imagine we had that many players who were causing major problems but there was never any rumours of trouble or 'i know a guy and he told me' type reports.

For me it's crazy, desperately short of players and we're refusing to use these 5. Besides anything else, proper pre-season and putting them in the shop window so to speak would make them more saleable.

SP is supposed to be the sort of manager who will speak out if he's being told what to do from above but if he's doing this without interference from SISU he's a pretty poor man manager.


New Member
Until such players arrive though we have players being paid and not utilised. I realise Pressley is keen to set a record for the lowest average age in a starting 11 but to me it makes no sense to waste senior professionals while we still have them in favour of kids who are nowhere near ready.

Totally agree, what is he going to say at 5pm when the reports are all about kids who werent ready and got taught a lesson. I truely hope im wrong on that, and will be first to admit it. Will Pressley hold his hands up if it all goes tits up? I doubt it


Well-Known Member
Totally agree, what is he going to say at 5pm when the reports are all about kids who werent ready and got taught a lesson. I truely hope im wrong on that, and will be first to admit it. Will Pressley hold his hands up if it all goes tits up? I doubt it

The only kid having to play will be willis, any others will be playing on merit.


New Member
Fair point mate. Thinks its still been badly handled regardless of justification, and i have a feeling it will bite us in the ass at some point. Dont agree with edge being there, and could argue a case for sheffers if he wasnt on so much money.

Sorry, was more thinking along the lines of should we get injuries in the relevant areas and have to play kids...getting a little ahead of myself. Cant be totally on merrit though if all available players for those possitions arent in with a chance of being picked becuase they earn too much. On merrit "of those allowed to be selected"


New Member
Haha dont know how i managed to quote myself there! Tapatalk is a mystery to me sometimes


Chief Commentator!
Stupid. With our squad in our situation it is absolute madness to start the season without those players who have been frozen out.

Completely agree Torchy.

If we were able to bring players in, then fine. Single players out and tell them they're not wanted or needed. But when in our position, even if they're not wanted, they're definitely needed. Especially the cb's


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Maybe because he's got something about him he's determined to make a success of the job he's moved to a different country for.

It's hardly Gary Johnson in Latvia, is it?


Well-Known Member
As I said in a previous post in relation to this Pressley has left himself in a bit of a hole. However he has to stick by his principles particulerly as these players have not been involved at all in pre-season friendlies.

With the vast majority of the five left think they should
be frozen out......Dunn, Malaga & Jennings no problem with at all. Jennings people can argue the toss on but we do have competition for places in centre mid without him anyway.

I would like to see Edge and Sheff back in the mix but cannot see it happening for a few weeks a bit if at will depend on if we can sign any players or not and will not consider them till at least six games in I think. Sheff has the ability but not the attitude I still think he must be our highest wage earner so should be involved but can appreciate he has not really done it for years which is why Pressley is trying to bomb him out.


New Member
Give me edge & Malaga over willis & Clarke any day their gonna get destroyed today them pair sooner sp is gone the better


Well-Known Member
With the vast majority of the five left think they should
be frozen out......Dunn, Malaga & Jennings no problem with at all. Jennings people can argue the toss on but we do have competition for places in centre mid without him anyway.

Left out of the team sure, but I don't see the need to ostracise any player completely unless their sheer presence is disruptive. With the numbers we have it wouldn't take too many injuries for the frozen out players to look a little more necessary.


Well-Known Member
Fair enough I have to be honest and say that I can easily see Sheff as being disruptive particularly if he is not guaranteed a start X1 spot given our current squad. It is a difficult call ,,,,,what is the benefit in them being with rest of squad......they are hardly going to lift the morale and if anything may even try to injure others Deegan style out of desperation......I can see once decision has been made why they have been frozen out......if I was manager would I have made that decision in the first place.......probably not!! But he has and now has to live or die by that decision.


Well-Known Member
Carpy Cov what do you base your decision on would much rather Malaga.....than one of our current centre halfs in Clarke and Willis? Malaga for me has not seen much action and was not sucessful form what I can make out while on loan at Nuneaton.....I cannot fathom your confidence/faith in has no reasoning behind it given playing time to date?


Well-Known Member
Even though we only have 1 recognised centre back he is willing to let Edge & Malaga rot. It's pure bad planning and I'm sure it will lead to him being sacked when we still only have one cb come October.

Edge and Malaga are poor players so I disagree with your comments. SP quote “I thought certain steps were necessary in order to move the club on. I wanted to change the level of professionalism and that includes body composition, fitness, the way we go about things – with certain individuals I wasn’t happy with those levels.

100% agree with that.

Going on your post Otis, I believe SP been given information from TF to led him to thinking that.

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