Swear filter (1 Viewer)

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New Member
I am pretty disillusioned at the bad language that is permeating this forum, mostly because SBT is touted as a 'family forum'. Most of it is gratuitous and totally unecessary. I'm actually surprised at some of the posters, as prior to now they have seemed to be fairly mature individuals, with some interesting topics and comments. One individual, who shall remain nameless, has been banished to my ignore list as I no longer wish to be subjected to his crap. Do I have to place more posters there to get this place cleaned up?

I discussed this with Nick some 6 months ago and he told me he was working on a 'swear filter'. I guess this is proving difficult as there is still nothing in place. All of the other forums seem to have an effective filter, why not SBT.

I don't know how many I speak for; and I know I risk the wrath of some of the less eloquent posters for stating my mind, but I can handle the risk of standing up for what I believe in.


Well-Known Member
:facepalm: last time


I did get a swear filter but everybody moaned about it.

If you don't like the language in a post, simply report it and we will get it sorted :)


Well-Known Member
I've never really understood a swear filter because although the word is changed you still know what they meant so it just defeats the object.

So is it the actual written words that offends people rather than the context it is used in? And when there is a filter do people not read it as a swear word then?


I only really think the c word should be filtered, I didnt remove it i just changed it to be polite!

People acted like I had spat on their granny though


New Member
I did get a swear filter but everybody moaned about it.

If you don't like the language in a post, simply report it and we will get it sorted :)

["I did get a swear filter but everybody moaned about it"] Does that mean the inmates can run the asylum?

Naa! I'll just place these folks in my ignore list. I'll stop my grandsons from coming on this site under my login as well. It's not that I haven't heard it, or used it, but do not want to keep reading it. And I'm very, very selective where and when I use it.

Thanks for taking the time to answer.


No not at all.

How far do I go with moderating though? Do I stop people saying Feck?

I might look into an optional swear filter :)

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
I agree with egastap. I complained a while ago about the use of some "selective" swear words in some posts. I think the majority of people on this forum are adult enough to know what the words mean and and use them in a context that they feel is necessary, but like egastap, I too have very young grandchildren who I've pointed to the site because I enjoy the news and general banter about my beloved CCFC. But I'm afraid they will now grow up not knowing about the site, as I have warned their mums and dads about some of the language on here. They have now been banned from using the site which is a great shame as they are all mad City fans.
I don't wish to sound like an old fart - I have been in the Army (Northern Ireland) and have worked in Coventry factories so I have used this sort of language all my life. However, I DO take offence where my grandkids are affected.


I totally agree. Some of the swearing is very aggresive / excessive and uncalled for and it is as if people are saying it to sound cool.

It depends on the context it is used.

Feel free to report the threads that offend you and we can sort them out and send the user a PM asking them to tone it down, that might be the best way to start with?

Coventry La La La

New Member
I really think an optional swear filter would be great for the site as it would censor some of the younger SBT users from words they don't need to know.


The only thing is.

Do you make it standard that it is hidden and people can see the swearing if they want? I can't see any benefit.

I think if people report threads we can get onto them and send the user a nice PM asking them to chill their beans :)


The only thing is.

Do you make it standard that it is hidden and people can see the swearing if they want? I can't see any benefit.

I think if people report threads we can get onto them and send the user a nice PM asking them to chill their beans :)

Yeah it makes more sense. An optional filter wouldn't be used imo.

the only time I can see it being used is if a parent sets up an account for their kid to go on.. which I can't really see happening tbh


Facebook User
Yeah I hated the swear filter! I'm rather against censorship anywhere though lol... Plus it would ban words like Scunthorpe :/
I don't see the problem with swearing unless it is very much aimed at someone individually (for instance i think some of the skyblueprincess comments were victimising)... Its just the trolls that are annoying. But as a rule the community on SBT is one of the most excepting and polite forum I have come across. I certainly wouldn't complain.

Ernie Machin

New Member
Swearing is so last year, man. I swear like a sailor in "real" life, but I try to limit that on a forum because it looks a bit rubbish.

I prefer other mild forms of swearing, I find them more effective. An example being 'prick'. That's a proper insult for me, I'd rather be called a Brian Cant.
also, the word 'Tugboat' is a great insult. You tugboating tugboat. Berk is good too.


Well-Known Member
Tbh I have no problem with any word. I don't get that the C word is any more offensive than any of the others but do get it that people dislike it and there is a stigma attached, however it is only a word and nobody is hurt. Certainly I would rather be called that, than punched on the chin.

Some people like to think their kids don't swear, but if we're honest then all the kids know them all. They generally also are aware that it's acceptable in the playground with their mates, but not at the dinner table.

I typed the C word on here only yesterday in response but clearly meant as a joke, with a smiley face after it and also taken in that way by the recipient. However some of the abuse on the SBP thread was far too personal and I imagine meant with malice based on how it came accross. Imo it's not the word that is the issue but the context in which it is used.


New Member
to be honest i am 17, i do not see the point trying to "shield" the kids form the reality of life. I mean they all know the words, and if they ever go to a cov game they will witness the words being used every 20 seconds. As far as i am concerned as long as they are not directly at someone everyone should shut the fuck up, and get on with supporting cov.



CCFC Finance Director
that makes it right then does it ?

I know all the words ..... sure my lad (13) does too. Just dont need them in my face here or at the matches. Similarly I dont need 10 year olds screaming in my ear about MK being a rapist

I dont have a problem with swearing, i can do it quite easily but it is the context. Some seem to use the words persistently ... all you see is the swearing and not their point of view .... or is it they dont have an ability to express their view properly which in itself is quite sad. Others as above use it to validate and in some reinforce their point of view - it doesnt. When it gets specifically targeted at others as has happened here recently then I really cant agree with that.

Of course everyone knows the words you just dont need to throw them in anyones face all the time. Of course there should be freedom of speech but that also includes people saying they find the words offensive and detrimental to the well being of those they hold dear. Showing a little respect to others is not a crime, swearing at someone rarely makes things better.

just my opinion - to which I am entitled - and to which i can choose to express with or without swearing - I choose not


Well-Known Member
I understand canning and kind of agree, but its the unnecessary I think some object to. I know why you said what you did on this thread to illustrate because it's directly about swearing, but that's the kind of thing that can easily be cut out as it would have made just the same point and if you had typed that everyone should "be quiet and get on with supporting cov".

I'm no prude and also no angel as you will have noted by my swearing on posts, but again I tink the context calls for it sometimes and if we can keep it out of most posts then there is no need to ban it.

In fact I don't think banning it is a good idea even for the kids (I mean older kids I guess not the eg five and six year olds who may be reading). Language skills, good and bad are all actually lessons imo for the kids who come on the boards so they can recognise when and where it's acceptable or appropriate and not just part of regular posts using profanity for the sake of it.


to be honest i am 17, i do not see the point trying to "shield" the kids form the reality of life. I mean they all know the words, and if they ever go to a cov game they will witness the words being used every 20 seconds. As far as i am concerned as long as they are not directly at someone everyone should shut the fuck up, and get on with supporting cov.


Why feel the need to swear on a thread about swearing?

I think we will go with the "Report a Post" method for now, if you see a thread you think is offensive and aggressive then just report it :)


Super Moderator
Nick you will find that I have reported your thread about the club messing around with contracts. Totally unneccesary to be in the thread title.


Super Moderator
In all seriousness. I swear a lot, but i hate seeing it written down and you'll find it rare that I do other than in jest. To see that title personally i find disgusting when the word messing would do the job.

That's not me being a tool, that's me being disgusted, in the same way as Egastap was when he started this thread.


Well-Known Member
Rich, you will find you are being a tool!

Nick you will find that I have reported your thread about the club messing around with contracts. Totally unneccesary to be in the thread title.

Whoops! Epic fail on my part lol. I just reported the Nick telling us to report distasteful posts before I read down this far. I thought it was an original joke, seems not only was my idea second hand but also not funny. Tool 2 signing in :)


Super Moderator
Rob I quite strongly feel that the swearing in the thread title was totally unneccesary, but as ever it's Nick so i'm the one being a tool. I really like this forum and would hate to have to follow SBP's lead but if people post threads with that sort of title regularly I won't be sticking around.


Well-Known Member
Ah whoops! Double epic fail by me then as I thought like mine you were just taking the mick too. Woohoo actually that makes my first one ok (although I'm probably still a tool) :)


Super Moderator
Garri I really don't see the need for it and from the Forum moderator as well, it shows that standards are slipping. I never started this thread but it would seem other people seem the same as me. Let's just try to clean it up a bit shall we?

Rob you'll always be the biggest spanner in my toolbox.


Well-Known Member
Awwww fanx - means sooooo much xx :)
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