Torch, lets say the advert says something that could be challenged in a court of law, we could find some heavy paperwork dropping through our letter box for sure.
How would that help anyone? The trust and fans need to be working towards doing everything to get Coventry back in Coventry.
Don't know where you get the idea that we lay on free coach trips to London. We had some donations from some very kind fans specifically for that purpose but that was all. Everyone that went paid.
That's the trouble with making things up and posting them as fact. Someone might just believe you.
As a trust we have to ensure we have a £1 for every member. Our "fighting fund" was very much depleted from the march. A number of the trust board paid for stuff out their own pocket. It cost me £180 but worth every penny to see all the fans on Gosford Green
Yes be have bought ribbons because we believe its the right thing to do and have the support of our members. The board member that picked them up made a round trip of between 350 - 400 miles and didn't get a penny towards his petrol.
It's easy to sit behind a keyboard and have a pop ain't it.