If you look at her she likes a protest, something about muslims, another about hs2 and generally any sort of bandwagon!
Really hate to say this but after the comments from Nikki Sinclair (below) after today's meeting i was convinced beforehand like many of us this was all Sisu fault. Nikki a Wimbledon fan who has been through this before is acting as a go between to make the peace and mediate but she is openly saying she has heard only one side of the story meaning Sisu but she would like on behalf of the fans to hear the other side but the council will not meet with her which surprises a me as Sisu are made out to be the people that will not talk or communicate that is why we are apparently in this position:
you would not blame some people reading this to start having doubts about who's fault it really is although personally it does not change my mind about sixfields i will not be there
Nikki quote from today
I’m only getting one side of the story, the council needs to meet with me to put forward their point of view, but they are not happy to meet me and answer my questions. I said there have got to be much more open negotiations. Getting the top parties around a table is the only way this is going to be sorted out.”
Joy only lets Nikki know the minium information, she did not disclose that Ann Lucas had written to her at the start of the week when the council realised she was back in the country.
Im confused by the title. It suggests sisu have gained or won something.
The only winners in this whole saga are Paul Appleton and the Northampton Town chairman.
Everyone else loses.
I am coming to the conclusion this Nikki Sinclair is a bit dangerous, she seems determined to make this a political issue. It is nowhere near political, it is a unanimous all party decision for our council to make the stance it has. I just hope the next time she is interviewed on CWR the interviewer reminds her of this. If Sinclair reads these websites can I please ask her to contact the Tory leader Blundell and ask him the question.