Brighton Sky Blue
Well-Known Member
Any other SBTers here?
Steve Brown: JS feels the ribbons are a great idea but I'm frightened to meet CCFC fans. Club is available at the right price
David (floor): As a businessman I have to question JS's acumen. If M&S moved a store, lost 90% of it's customers they'd soon realise problem
not to somewhere a quarter the size with half the rent and 1/5th of the business. There is no logical business argument for what sisu have doneIt isn't as easy as a store though, there are many more retail stores than football stadiums. If he was a business man paying too much rent and not making enough back would he move?
That is silver lining on the black cloud. It puts would be interested parties, the Hoffman crowd, Heskell, this Byng bloke on the spot a bit. That statement needs pushing for an answerCJ_covblaze is updating live from there
Steve Brown: Club is available at the right price
sorry just seen this, who is at this meeting of any real importance? sorry not being glib or disrespectful, but is anyone from SISU/ACL/CCC in attendance?
Ian (floor): I'm anti-SISU however we need to try to unify the fans. SBT need to be in the middle to encourage both sides to talk
There was a guy who I thought might be you NW, he had very similar views.
Agreed, does the trust no favours to hang their flag on one particular sideNot me ;-)
Very glad to hear the message about balance and impartiality is sinking in, though.
CJ_covblaze is updating live from there
Steve Brown: JS feels the ribbons are a great idea but I'm frightened to meet CCFC fans. Club is available at the right price
Just got back.
I think the message to the board about the need for balance in the message. At first they seemed a bit reluctant claiming they're not Sisu Out as an organisation but I think after several members raised concerns they accepted that they need to be "whiter than white" with their impartiality.
As someone who follows the trust fairly closely there was nothing new as such for me, but maybe it would be for others (story of guy seeing Seppala, etc).
There was one comment from a member that he asked not to be minuted about the relationship between the Telegraph and the club. But I'll respect his wish to not have it aired in public (apart from being a blatant cock tease).
Was very even in views and the board took everything on board (no pun intended).
There was a guy who I thought might be you NW, he had very similar views.
CJ_covblaze is updating live from there
Steve Brown: JS feels the ribbons are a great idea but I'm frightened to meet CCFC fans. Club is available at the right price
Just got back.
I think the message to the board about the need for balance in the message. At first they seemed a bit reluctant claiming they're not Sisu Out as an organisation but I think after several members raised concerns they accepted that they need to be "whiter than white" with their impartiality.
As someone who follows the trust fairly closely there was nothing new as such for me, but maybe it would be for others (story of guy seeing Seppala, etc).
There was one comment from a member that he asked not to be minuted about the relationship between the Telegraph and the club. But I'll respect his wish to not have it aired in public (apart from being a blatant cock tease).
Was very even in views and the board took everything on board (no pun intended).
There was a guy who I thought might be you NW, he had very similar views.
yAnd........did anyone think to ask what their price is at all ???
Who do they ask? Joy wont speak to them or Tim. Linnell on CWR to ask them no reply. Mind you Tim keeps saying clubs not for sale:facepalm:
Ahem. Iain not Ian thank you![]()
And..........did anyone actually think to ask what is the right price ???
It's obvious ACL,Hoffmans people & Byng want it - pick up the phone ask the price what's so hard about that ?