on sky sports now (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I think most of us realise that SISU don't have the money to build a new stadium nor to buy the Ricoh at a fair price, so what is all this latest posturing about and who is it aimed at?

Could it be that they are laying down the foundations of building an argument they can take to the Football League? They can continue to claim that they must own the freehold of the stadium. However, they have been unable find a sutable site in Coventry where they could get planning permission and the council appear to be unwilling to sell them the freehold of the Ricoh.

The club cannot, obviously, continue to play at Sixfields indefinitely, so will the Football League sanction a ground outside the environs of the city, say Nene Park where there is already a suitable stadium? Oh, and before you answer, remember how much responsibility the League bear for CCFC being in Northampton in the first place and remember what we said about litigation.

Well the FL have gone along with Tim and co because they said they had plans to build a new stadium in the "greater coventry area" or some bollocks, can't remember the exact quote. They even showed the FL proof that they had the money to fund the club. Timmy has basically told the FL that they can adhere to the FL rules without the Ricoh. So I would hope the FL finally man up to this lickspittle.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Labovitch= Rabbit caught in headlights. He looked over his shoulder 5-6 times (Looking to see if Septic was there with a Blunderbus pointed at him.)


Well-Known Member
NOPM is working BIG time
KCIC is was and forever shall be irrelevant (standing outside empty buildings utter pointless

Trust betraying its membership by reneging on the only vote they had! Utterly useless group.

Forget the trust -- they have proven to be UTTERLY toothless inept and incompotent

Forget Negotiation - sisu have stated time and again they will not go for this - they want the ricoh end of story.

Horrendously small attendances - despite CWR constantly trying to disprove by saying how the crowds are increasing (an extra 100 or so - after the run of results - it is pathetic)

Their is only ONE weapon the fans have, and indeed have ALWAYS had - just don't go to the games, it IS working - regardless as to what the apologists like grendel Nick and the other spineless morons would have you believe!

If they are coming on such an offensive, what do you think will haooen in another month or two? What about when the judicial inquiry is thrown out AGAIN?

Boycotting games is painful for some, however if you are a true fan, surely the longer term health of the club is worth missing games against the likes of shrewsbury, walsall isn't it? There are no BIG games in this league! Now is the opportunity to show your support. Going to games is showing your support to sisu.

Even the players have come out in public and realised that the support is there for the players. No doubt they don't like playing at sixfields anymore than the fans like going there.

If the spineless toothless trust want to prove me wrong, then show you haven't just been selfishly trying to build up membership neglecting to try and find funding to purchase the club!

Show the public the size of the fighting fund as your #1 goon Steve Brown PROMISED many months ago - or is the truth something alien to you wankers?

Silence is deafening!!!!

C'mon Haskell show us your metal? make sisu an offer to get rid of them!!

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Haskell needs to buy the share in the Ricoh, then offer no more than £10m for the Club, after all the Club is worthless atm.


Well-Known Member
How can you point this at NOPM????

SISU must return to a stadium within the Coventry Area within certain amount of time (Argument sake 5 years) why for heavens sake would you build a stadium that may cost £25,000,000 when you can try buying one that suits the model for possibly the same price, including that if SISU spent £40,000,000 (Arguements sake) on buying the Arena they could start tomorrow by recouperating that amount of money and not have to wait three or possibly five years..

Fucking hell you're so used to arguing for Sisu you're now arguing the argument you derided from others not too long ago.

If it's better to buy the Ricoh (no shit) why did they stop paying the rent and therefore remove the deal they had to get the Ricoh at lower than market value?

ohitsaidwalker king power

Well-Known Member
There are some busy imaginative minds on here.

Yeah... with a stroke of a pen they could all be banished?:thinking about:

It must be a Coventry thing to think of the negative aspects ahead of the good aspects all the time.

The football club have appointed a decent manager who is setting about building and using the academy for future growth and all things on the pitch are changing for the better.
The off the pitch antics are a disgrace but are fixable at the stroke of a pen if parties come to their senses.

So why so negative?



New Member
I get that stance. Hence why CCC must sell the Ricoh to the club and I know the arguement will be "Well it won't be the club it'll be SISU and they'll charge us an extortionate rent amount" and so on however that's not a nailed certainty it's just mythology and why not sell it to them a line needs to be drawn between us all.

So you would give in to blackmail & bullying,sorry that's not my style.I just wish I had had some shares in CCFC,no hedge
fund would have got them off me at any price let alone "FREE"


New Member
If it gets properly liquidated it drops out the league and has to start again.

Value would be players, Ryton, whatever else they own. Sufficient to get something back, while sending a message to other people they may come across elsewhere in their portfolio that yep, they go for the best deal possible and are prepared to sacrifice a small amount for that if it doesn;t come off, as per their past track record of doing just that.

And that makes them a fit & proper shower to sell the Ricoh to for peanuts,I don't think so.
So for gods sake what the hell are they wanting to do.
Fisher and Seppalla have moved on and want and are committed to building a new stadium, that will give the club a new start and sustainable future , but Labovich wants to buy the Ricoh

Are they that poor at putting over their message, just tell the fans the truth, is it the Ricoh you want ,or you have moved on and will build a new stadium !

They really need new PR team as the lot they have at the moment are very poor

Sure you are right about the PR. Talk about mixed messages.
Just seen Labovich and my reaction was do I laugh or cry.
We dont have even a vaguely competent set of directors judging by their public pronouncements.
My hope is that his statement is a sign of the obvious flaws in their grand plan.


New Member
NOPM is clearly working - we have them on the run - even their apologists are in hiding - apart from misguided Robbo and one intervention from mad Paxman this thread hasn't had the usual SISU loving comments from the likes of Grendel et al. They are probably regrouping for one final push like their overlords - but the city fans have(in the main) held firm despite the hardship of not seeing the team at home. When this is all over many people will feel rightly proud of the stance they have taken - but some others ..... well I am sure they will find a way to justify their actions.


NOPM is clearly working - we have them on the run - even their apologists are in hiding - apart from misguided Robbo and one intervention from mad Paxman this thread hasn't had the usual SISU loving comments from the likes of Grendel et al. They are probably regrouping for one final push like their overlords - but the city fans have(in the main) held firm despite the hardship of not seeing the team at home. When this is all over many people will feel rightly proud of the stance they have taken - but some others ..... well I am sure they will find a way to justify their actions.

Overlords? Sounds like you should be in games workshop or something. Off your rocker!

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
I get that stance. Hence why CCC must sell the Ricoh to the club and I know the arguement will be "Well it won't be the club it'll be SISU and they'll charge us an extortionate rent amount" and so on however that's not a nailed certainty it's just mythology and why not sell it to them a line needs to be drawn between us all. ..................RobboCCFC90.....You say it's " that's not a nailed certainty it's just mythology"......................................................................................................................................Isay....Is it just Mythology that SISU are charging CCFC astronomical "Management fees?"......Cardiff City Stadium is a very basic 26-27k Stadium, it cost £100m....What do you think SISU will get for £25-30m? A pitch on the Memorial park with a couple of benches and umbrellas for the subs?

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
@ Nick.....Owning and moderating a forum takes a neutral person to run it. You mustn't have any thoughts or post anything in favour of or against any post. How are you to be taken seriously, or be respected by ALL posters if you start making posts against posters. YOU have the power to BAN a poster if it goes against forum rules...Who the fuck bans YOU when you do it??? You've lost the respect of quite a few on here for being Pro-SISU in your approach to the forum. You may not think you have, but that's how you portray yourself. I'm not having a go at you personally. You need to "Step back" and take a look at what you're doing and saying. If you think you're doing nothing wrong, then it's clearly not the job you should be in is it?


@ Nick.....Owning and moderating a forum takes a neutral person to run it. You mustn't have any thoughts or post anything in favour of or against any post. How are you to be taken seriously, or be respected by ALL posters if you start making posts against posters. YOU have the power to BAN a poster if it goes against forum rules...Who the fuck bans YOU when you do it??? You've lost the respect of quite a few on here for being Pro-SISU in your approach to the forum. You may not think you have, but that's how you portray yourself. I'm not having a go at you personally. You need to "Step back" and take a look at what you're doing and saying. If you think you're doing nothing wrong, then it's clearly not the job you should be in is it?

I don't know if you have noticed but it isn't my job, what are you on about? Why are you swearing at me?

Do you mean I have lost respect because I gave a different opinion which quite clearly isn't pro sisu, I just don't write swear words about them in every post?

Who have I lost respect of? People who can't understand or get the concept that people have different opinions and it is a discussion board?

I could totally understand if I was sending emails out on behalf of the forum but I don't, it is just my view. You come on here spouting all this censorship, freedom of speech victim stuff but then tell me I can't have an opinion?

I am not sure why you think I'm not allowed thoughts and opinions on posts? I have as much right to an opinion as you or anybody else.

I said somebody is off their rocker, hardly crime of the century is it? You are just trying to cause trouble for a change.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Nick...Saying off your rocker.Isn't really a personal attack now is it compared to you calling.people c's etc??...............................................................................................................I have done that in the past..I hold my hands up to it, and been threatened with being banned. How many others have said the same but nothing happens to them? covcity4life probably the worst of the lot....He's still making posts? You really need to be a moderator and NOT make comments on the forum, one way or the other. You're losing credibility. Think about it mate ;)


Nick...Saying off your rocker.Isn't really a personal attack now is it compared to you calling.people c's etc??...............................................................................................................I have done that in the past..I hold my hands up to it, and been threatened with being banned. How many others have said the same but nothing happens to them? covcity4life probably the worst of the lot....He's still making posts? You really need to be a moderator and NOT make comments on the forum, one way or the other. You're losing credibility. Think about it mate ;)

Oh so I'm not allowed to make posts now? Genius.

How the hell would you know who gets warned or not? You don't, you just like giving it the "why haven't they been told off too" line.

I tell you what I'll spend my own time just trying to keep a forum tidy from people who can't talk and share opinions properly without swearing at each other and acting a victim when given a bit of a friendly warning about somebody else starting it, it is pretty much playground stuff.

To top it off, I'm then not allowed to post because it's not my job. Just to make it clear, this isn't my job and your last post has lost you a chunk of credibility by saying people shouldn't be able to post on forums ;)

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
This is MY forum, and you'll abide by MY rules or be banned, but I can say what I like, when I like! Bugger it! I was trying to help but it seems, some can't see the wood for the trees!


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what skybluekid, you are a total idiot. And I'll gladly take a ban saying it. You strange man.


To put it bluntly Nick...You haven't got a clue have you?.....A brainy guy with no common sense!

A clue of what? I've been in and around forums for long enough to know how they work...

What is with the personal attack? Who started it this time?


Well-Known Member
I wonder if I'm going to get a threatening message from him in my inbox again. Exciting times.


This is MY forum, and you'll abide by MY rules or be banned, but I can say what I like, when I like! Bugger it! I was trying to help but it seems, some can't see the wood for the trees!

They are standard forum rules, I also can't remember when I have called somebody a c unit or anything like you have?

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