I'm amazed at the anti-Hoffman sentiments, I really am. I know we've been lied to so much we're bound to be cynical, but I'm surprised at such a response.
Firstly, I really don't think he's in this for the money at all. He makes money doing other things. This is a labour of love. He's doing what we'd do if we were him-trying to save his football club from oblivion under the stewardship of people who bought the club to try and make money.
Why does everyone assume that the consortium are only in it to make cash? They would know that would only be possible by promotion-the original SISU/RR vision, which it transpires SISU never really comitted to all along.
What about the owners at Man City? Did they buy the club to make money? Was it an "investment opportunity"? No, it was about being a rich-mans plaything. There as many of those in the top flight as there are unscrupulous Glaziers or the gangsters who wrecked Pompey.
What about Gibson at Midboro, Lerner at Villa, Madjeski at Reading, Whelan at Wigan? All self-made men and astute business minds who've bought the club they supported. They've all lost millions doing so. That is what premiership football is all about.
Obviously Hoffman and Elliott are a bit different in that the bulk of the money wouldn't be theirs: he has to find people who will ultimately want to be making money. But that will be the long-term vision, part of a 5 year plan, and involving the full capitalisation of the Arena revenue potential. I really don't forsee a situation where new owners keep a "tab" like SISU are-it'll just be written off as investment. And I think that's exactly how it was seen by RR, remember? "We are entirely debt free, we don't even have an overdraft facility". Turns out SISU classed that as a debt. It's not. It's MONEY THEY SPENT. GAME OVER.