60-70 people counted on the hill - the only banner was a bedsheet with "Sisu Out" on it - so much for a balanced KCIC protest so who are you trying to engage? me? if so, it wont work with such a niave view. Could hardly hear the whistles by the way even from the quiet that is Sixfields. Where do you all bugger off to at half time though? Bit odd that. If I was cynical I would say you cant see the pitch and so go home...
I'm so sorry, we'll laminate our banner next time. If I want SISU out then I'll say so. How many cameramen did Sky send to your seat? Did they pan to a shot of you after each goal? No. Did the away support applaud your efforts? No.
Is that perhaps because you have nothing of interest to contribute? There are people in life who are do-ers and have enough pride to fight for what they believe in; and then there are people who lack the confidence and would rather make snide little remarks.
Anyone paying to go into Sixfields must really be struggling with their conscience.
Do you remember your first Coventry game? Taken by your Dad perhaps, telling you all about the history, why we're SkyBlue, and most importantly that we support them because they are COVENTRY.
If zero people went to the games then we would already have returned. But no, some people are as simple minded and as selfish as to say "I like watching football on a Saturday", or - "the lads need my support". Well they'll need your support when we're in the conference too. Think of the future.
I despair at people like you. Sneering at people who care. Congratulations you're too cool to show you care.
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