Lest we Forget !!! (16 Viewers)


New Member
My Mothers parents were in a shelter under Quinton Pool in Cheylesmore, it's a good job they never copped for a direct hit ! Life is so dependent on fate ?!


Well-Known Member
No offence...but we're hardly likely to ever forget about the 2 world wars in this country....its a peculiar fascination we Brits have...part of the British psyche is firmly rooted in the past & we do love a good old bit of nostalgia....

....As I said, no offence intended, but in a way, I'll be glad when old father time catches up with remaining veterans from WW2.....

Maybe then, as a nation, we can move on.


Well-Known Member
bit harsh jimmy the way you posted it.

i take issue with the "support the troops" stuff for current war because i dont believe in it.

but for WW1 and WW2 they have my utmost respect as i wouldn't be here without them one would imagine.


Well-Known Member
No offence...but we're hardly likely to ever forget about the 2 world wars in this country....its a peculiar fascination we Brits have...part of the British psyche is firmly rooted in the past & we do love a good old bit of nostalgia....

....As I said, no offence intended, but in a way, I'll be glad when old father time catches up with remaining veterans from WW2.....

Maybe then, as a nation, we can move on.

Perhaps its to do with pride for standing up against the most evil, brutal regime the world has ever seen. On a local level the fact that the city and people of Coventry stood up and defeated the worlds (at that point) most destructive air force.

WW1 deaths 16,563,868

WW2 deaths between 65,000,000 and 85,000,000

Show some respect to those that died and suffered just so you have the right to make your insensitive remarks.

Its important the world never forgets what happened.


Well-Known Member
bit harsh jimmy the way you posted it.

i take issue with the "support the troops" stuff for current war because i dont believe in it.

but for WW1 and WW2 they have my utmost respect as i wouldn't be here without them one would imagine.

Yeah..reading it back it doesn't sound great.....Apologies to all I offended.

I didn't mean any disrespect to those who fought....my Grandad took part in & survived the D-day invasions whilst my other Grandad was underground in a welsh mine working double shifts to help fuel the factories....

I was just trying to convey my hope that as time passes, whilst we'll never forget, perhaps some of the jingoism etc. that always accompanies such dates etc. will fade too.


Well-Known Member
No offence...but we're hardly likely to ever forget about the 2 world wars in this country....its a peculiar fascination we Brits have...part of the British psyche is firmly rooted in the past & we do love a good old bit of nostalgia....

....As I said, no offence intended, but in a way, I'll be glad when old father time catches up with remaining veterans from WW2.....

Maybe then, as a nation, we can move on.

I have to disagree. Thirty/Forty yrs ago much more emphasis was placed on remembrance. This yr I got the feeling that it's been more subdued...maybe due to the political classes not wishing to upset certain groups of the community - who in my experience actually show great respect for it & remember their own who were involved in whatever conflict in whatever way.
Hardly saw poppy-sellers this yr too.
There was a time when the TV would broadcast total crap...or remembrance services. Now they give much more choice, so younger generations watch the alternative & simply think they know what's it's about. Days gone by people attended services locally on a much bigger scale...now the road closures are viewed as an annoyance rather than being expected by those local to the services.
Never mind we will remember them...it's a case of WE MUST REMEMBER THEM otherwise I fear war becomes perceived as something that happens to other countries & the (again perceived) odd fool that signs up to join the services.
Respect those that go & do it on our behalf (even if we don't agree with their being sent)...by SHOWING the respect.


Well-Known Member
Maybe so. But the guys in the modern army still put their necks on the line.

i take issue with the "support the troops" stuff for current war because i dont believe in it.



New Member
No offence...but we're hardly likely to ever forget about the 2 world wars in this country....its a peculiar fascination we Brits have...part of the British psyche is firmly rooted in the past & we do love a good old bit of nostalgia....

....As I said, no offence intended, but in a way, I'll be glad when old father time catches up with remaining veterans from WW2.....

Maybe then, as a nation, we can move on.

The irony of it all, he accuses the Bits of living in the past, but uses the name JimmyHillsFanClub.

We'll me JHFC, you are a moron.


Well-Known Member
"Support the troops"....

a slogan that has become a classic propaganda tool....media control....

Read some Noam Chomsky.


Well-Known Member
Maybe so. But the guys in the modern army still put their necks on the line.

no doubt, i didn't say i dont pray for everyone to come back healthy, i truly do.

its just the politics behidn the war, the accepted collateral damage, torturing enemy\innocents, breaking geneva laws etc, i just dont like the "get behind our lads" style propaganda for this current conflict.


Well-Known Member
it was nice to see on the news at the weekend 2 Germans who survived blitz's in Germany came to lay reefs at the memorial park on Sunday. i think they were children at the time, one was from Dresden but i dont recall which town the other was from.

time is a great healer, but like the OP lest we forget

Joy Division

Well-Known Member
Still shocking to see images of a flattened Coventry. As bad as this was we should not forget the German citizens had it a lot worse that we did, many thousands died as retribution for the attack on Coventry which still doesn't sit too well with me.


Well-Known Member
Still shocking to see images of a flattened Coventry. As bad as this was we should not forget the German citizens had it a lot worse that we did, many thousands died as retribution for the attack on Coventry which still doesn't sit too well with me.

so true. even my Gran who hates Germans still to this day with a passion (her dad lost an arm in the WW1 and she lost a brother in WW2) always mentions Dresden and how it was awfull and shameful.


Well-Known Member
"Support the troops"....

a slogan that has become a classic propaganda tool....media control....

Read some Noam Chomsky.

You cannot pick & choose which armed forces members or war try might be involved in you do or don't respect. They put their life on the line for causes you or even they themselves may not believe in...but their government deem to be worthy!


Well-Known Member
You cannot pick & choose which armed forces members or war try might be involved in you do or don't respect. They put their life on the line for causes you or even they themselves may not believe in...but their government deem to be worthy!

Exactly. No different to WW1. That was a completely pointless war, and the soldiers of today should be given the same respect that the veterans have.


Well-Known Member
no doubt, i didn't say i dont pray for everyone to come back healthy, i truly do.

its just the politics behidn the war, the accepted collateral damage, torturing enemy\innocents, breaking geneva laws etc, i just dont like the "get behind our lads" style propaganda for this current conflict.

Seeing your colleagues die before your very eyes has been shown to have a strange effect the mind...& actions. You might be amazed what YOU are capable of when your life is on the line, & it's yours or the "enemy's"


New Member
No offence...but we're hardly likely to ever forget about the 2 world wars in this country....its a peculiar fascination we Brits have...part of the British psyche is firmly rooted in the past & we do love a good old bit of nostalgia....

....As I said, no offence intended, but in a way, I'll be glad when old father time catches up with remaining veterans from WW2.....

Maybe then, as a nation, we can move on.

After a statement like that I can only presume you have learning difficulties.

No offence intended ? well Im offended massively

I suggest you come to the memorial park next Remembrance Sunday and then maybe you'll realise what a pratt you really are.


New Member
My great Grandfather was on duty the night of the Big Raid. He was either an Auxiliary Fireman or an ARP Warden, one of the two. My Nan has told me about some of the things he said he'd seen that night. I don't think he'd ever agree that we should forget what happened that night, or indeed what happened to the German citizens of Dresden, Hamburg and everywhere else.


Well-Known Member
The people that go, myself included. Have no choice. We are at the whim of our political masters. Leave the troops out of it. If you don't like it. Vote!!!!

no doubt, i didn't say i dont pray for everyone to come back healthy, i truly do.

its just the politics behidn the war, the accepted collateral damage, torturing enemy\innocents, breaking geneva laws etc, i just dont like the "get behind our lads" style propaganda for this current conflict.

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
Every year on this day my thoughts are about my mum's dad who was just doing a simple night shift at Southams Bottle Factory in Windsor street. It took a direct hit and he was killed. I never knew him. His name is on the Civilian War Dead Plaque in London Road cemetery and also commemorated here......

The plaque in London Road Cemetary...........

.....and the mass burial of all the civilians killed..........

Will I forget? No. Will I forgive? Of course. I don't hold any grudges against the German people. The RAF done much the same to German cities.


Well-Known Member
You cannot pick & choose which armed forces members or war try might be involved in you do or don't respect. They put their life on the line for causes you or even they themselves may not believe in...but their government deem to be worthy!

not quite true....

For example, those conscripted & put in the front line in the Great War had no choice.....well, they had one...they could get torn the shreds by the German guns when told to go over the top to a certain death....or they could be shot for desertion.

UK troops today made a independent decision to sign up.....now I'm not saying its their fault, especially as many are signed up on the promise of "seeing the world" & "learning a trade"....only to find they're dropped into a shit-pit, ill-equipped & fighting an illegal, immoral & un-winnable war....
No offence...but we're hardly likely to ever forget about the 2 world wars in this country....its a peculiar fascination we Brits have...part of the British psyche is firmly rooted in the past & we do love a good old bit of nostalgia....

....As I said, no offence intended, but in a way, I'll be glad when old father time catches up with remaining veterans from WW2.....

Maybe then, as a nation, we can move on.

You are entitled to your opinion, but it does portray you as a complete prick.......


New Member
used to have an Anderson air raid shelter in my back garden, it had in it the coventry telegraph of the days, plenty of old beer bottles and fag ends, i used to think how the family must have felt , must of been so frightning, "lest we forget ".


Well-Known Member
After a statement like that I can only presume you have learning difficulties.

No offence intended ? well Im offended massively

I suggest you come to the memorial park next Remembrance Sunday and then maybe you'll realise what a pratt you really are.

...and I'd suggest you read my second post that offers clear apology for the insensitive nature of my first post....

now whos got the learning difficulties??


Well-Known Member
The people that go, myself included. Have no choice. We are at the whim of our political masters. Leave the troops out of it. If you don't like it. Vote!!!!

i do vote but whats that got to do with what i typed?

i have shown nothing but respect to soldiors so how about you do the same to me?


Facebook User
not quite true....

For example, those conscripted & put in the front line in the Great War had no choice.....well, they had one...they could get torn the shreds by the German guns when told to go over the top to a certain death....or they could be shot for desertion.

UK troops today made a independent decision to sign up.....now I'm not saying its their fault, especially as many are signed up on the promise of "seeing the world" & "learning a trade"....only to find they're dropped into a shit-pit, ill-equipped & fighting an illegal, immoral & un-winnable war....

Anyone who joins/joined the ARMED FORCES for these reasons, and were shocked to be asked to fight must be thicker than this statement TBF!!


New Member
It's not really a thread for a left wing slant and that word 'Jingoism' is entirely inappropriate in these circumstances.

The concentrated obliteration of Coventry was worse than anything ever seen before and the death toll given out at the time has been much disputed because of the sheer number of immigrant workers who were in the City making everything that Cov did to fight the enemy, its probable many more died as victim recognition was impossible in those days. As for Dresden, it was appalling but not necessarily revenge for November 14th, some say it was a warning to Stalin to not try and push his luck with gaining anymore territory in Western Europe. It was a show of force to try and encourage the Soviets to stick to pre arranged boundaries.


Well-Known Member
not quite true....

For example, those conscripted & put in the front line in the Great War had no choice.....well, they had one...they could get torn the shreds by the German guns when told to go over the top to a certain death....or they could be shot for desertion.

UK troops today made a independent decision to sign up.....now I'm not saying its their fault, especially as many are signed up on the promise of "seeing the world" & "learning a trade"....only to find they're dropped into a shit-pit, ill-equipped & fighting an illegal, immoral & un-winnable war....

Struth! Now you're showing absolute disrespect to every individual that joins the forces. They aren't idiots - they all know there is a good chance they will be involved in some sort of conflict in YOUR & my name (as someone else suggested - collectively we do the voting). The actual troops themselves aren't all learning any other trade than killing. The engineers, pilots, chef's etc are learning a trade as well - but primarily they are part of the war machine & put themselves in the firing line.


Well-Known Member
Struth! Now you're showing absolute disrespect to every individual that joins the forces. They aren't idiots - they all know there is a good chance they will be involved in some sort of conflict in YOUR & my name (as someone else suggested - collectively we do the voting). The actual troops themselves aren't all learning any other trade than killing. The engineers, pilots, chef's etc are learning a trade as well - but primarily they are part of the war machine & put themselves in the firing line.

You earlier stated that I could not choose which armed forces members & which wars I do or don't respect....

You're wrong.....I do not automatically respect every modern professional soldier who CHOOSES to earn his/her living by killing people.....especially as in modern times, only an "idiot" doesn't know that many of those being killed are innocent civilians....

Its quite straightforward really.


Well-Known Member
JHC does have a point with much that he says.

All this "support the troops", "Help for Heroes", and attacking of anybody who doesn't wear a poppy for being un-patriotic sits ill with me and has facistic undertones that surely undermines what the Second World War(in particular) was fought to avoid surely?

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